Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Penerapan Syari'at at Islam di Era Otonomi Daerah

(in Bahasa Indonesia)

The publication is based on a research conducted by the Center for the Study of Religion and Culture (CSRC) at the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. It deals witht the application of Syari’a and Regional Autonomy in Indonesia and its Implication to Civil Liberties, Women Rights, and Minorities.

Undang-Undang Partai Politik German

(Translation of the German Party Act)

In cooperation with our partners from Pusat Studi Hukum& Kebijakan (PSHK) and the Soegeng Sarjadi Syndicates (SSS) the German Party Act was translated into Bahasa Indonesia. Based on the current discussion about a new Party Act in Indonesia the main idea of this publication is to give politicians, party members, and decision makers a non-binding insight and perspectives into the German Party Act to raise the awareness of this issue and the debate.

Economical Participation

(in Bahasa Indonesia)

Volume 2 of a series of four guidebooks for councilors of provincial, district and city parliaments

Regional Marketing

(in Bahasa Indonesia)

Volume 3 of a series of four guidebooks for councilors of provincial, district and city parliaments.

The Access to Credits

(in Bahasa Indonesia)

Volume 4 of a series of four guidebooks for councilors of provincial, district and city parliaments

The Investment Climate in the Provinces

(in Bahasa Indonesia)

Volume 1 of a series of four guidebooks for councilors of provincial, district and city parliaments.

A Manual on Monitoring the Legislation Process

(in Bahasa Indonesia)

This manual offers not only a theoretical introduction into the patterns and mechanisms of monitoring the legislature but also illustrates how to actively and practically participate in this process.

Das Jahr 2 nach dem Tsunami: Aceh im Aufwärtstrend

Zwei Jahre nach der Katastrophe trifft man überall auf rege Bautätigkeit; in weiten Teilen des Küstenabschnittes stehen bereits neue Häuser, errichtet von staatlichen und zivilen Organisationen und in erster Linie finanziert durch private Spenden von Menschen aus aller Welt. Allein in Deutschland wurden 670 Millionen Euro gespendet – verglichen mit den ca. 270 Millionen Euro deutscher Hilfe aus öffentlichen Geldern ein beeindruckendes Beispiel für die Solidarität der Menschen in Deutschland mit den Tsunamiopfern und ihren Angehörigen.

Legislative Performance of the Indonesian House of Representatives 2006

(in Indonesian language)

The Centre for Indonesian Law and Policy Studies (PSHK) has compiled a comprehensive analysis of the legislative work of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR-RI) under quantitative and qualitative aspects. It comprises both an evaluation of the parliamentary work in recent years and a prognosis on the legislative program in 2007.

KAS Indonesia Country Brochure

An Introduction to KAS' Activities and Programs in Indonesia (in Indonesian)

This 22 pages publication in Indonesian language, which has been compiled in close cooperation with KAS' partner organizations, gives a comprehensive overview over KAS' programs and activities in development cooperation with Indonesia. It gives and introduction to our partner organizations and their respective programs as well as to the key aspects of KAS' own activities in the country. Furthermore, this brochure contains information on the structure and work of KAS in Germany. The Country Brochure Indonesia can be obtained free of charge from the KAS Country Office Indonesia.