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Event Reports


Briefing on Economic Security facing China

On June 5, the Japan office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) had the honor of welcoming Minister-President of North-Rhine Westphalia, Hendrik Wüst, to a Briefing on Economic Security facing China. The program was divided into three expert lectures, followed by a discussion with the delegation of the state cabinet and business leaders.

Responding to the Dynamic Changes in the World of Work in Asia

The panel on “Responding to the Dynamic Changes in the World of Work in Asia” is organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS). It was held last July 28, 2023, as part of the South East Asia-South Asia-Taiwan (SEASAT) Camp 2023, an annual flagship event organized by the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF) since its establishment. The panel in particular, and the SEASAT Camp 2023 in general, is aimed at young people, think tanks, academia, and government policy makers.

Enabling an Equiverse: 4W’s

Equal access to Work, Wealth, Wellbeing and Welfare

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s (KAS) regional economic program SOPAS, in cooperation with TalentNomics India, launched a two-day conference titled “Enabling an Equiverse: 4W’s- Equal access to Work, Wealth, Wellbeing and Welfare” to specifically discuss the issues women face in regard to their work, wealth, wellbeing, and welfare

Party Dialogue between the Christian Democratic/ Social Union and the Liberal Democratic Party

On November 16, the Japan Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in cooperation with Minoru Kiuchi, Member of the House of Representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) / Secretary-General of the Japan-German Parliamentary Friendship League, held the second party dialogue between the Christian Democratic/Social Union (CDU/CSU) and the LDP in the National Diet of Japan. The CDU/CSU members of the German Bundestag and the LDP members of the National Diet discussed the following topics.

A Better (Re)Start

The Future of Work for Young People

On November 4, 2022, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s (KAS) Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS) and the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF) organised the online conference ‘A Better (Re)Start: The Future of Work for Young People’, which discussed in depth the trends and patterns within the global youth education and labour environment.

German-Japanese 1.5 Track Security Dialogue

On November 14, 2022, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Japan Office, Japan-Germany Center Berlin, the Japan Institute of International Affairs, the Foreign Office of Germany, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan jointly held the German-Japanese 1.5 Track Security Dialogue in light of the Russian aggression against Ukraine and its repercussions, in Tokyo as an in-person event for the first in three years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The War in Ukraine: Europe's response and implications for the Indo-Pacific

On October 26, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Japan Office held an experts’ roundtable on “The War in Ukraine: Europe's response and implications for the Indo-Pacific” at the organisation’s Tokyo office. Rabea Brauer, Country Representative, KAS Japan, welcomed the participation of experts from the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) at the Brussels School of Governance and various Japanese organisations. Key points made by the CSDS speakers concerned the following: • Impact of the Russian aggression against Ukraine from both a Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific perspective and the conflict’s indirect link to both regions through the U.S. military presence; • Evaluation of Japan and Taiwan as partners sharing common values with Europe. Shift by Eastern European states from pro to anti-China following China’s show of support for Russia; • EU’s endeavour to seek tighter and more robust defense cooperation as a part of an effort to secure the strategic autonomy of the bloc; development of stronger defense cooperation between the EU and NATO. The subsequent discussions centered around topics such as future Japan-NATO cooperation in new domains, the prospect of a Taiwan contingency, solidarity amongst like-minded countries, and weapon systems. The whole session was moderated by Michito Tsuruoka, Associate Professor of Keio University.

Women in Japan

Breakthroughs in Women Business Leadership

Our third webinar, 'Women in Japan: Breakthroughs in Women Business Leadership' focused on the business aspect out of the three pillars of politics, business, and society. We focused on Germany, a country which has historically similar views on gender roles to Japan but is more advanced in gender equality. Through Germany’s evolving policies, we learned pragmatic and realistic next steps for Japan. During the webinar, we aimed to discuss possible policy recommendations, which – once formulated – help to foster change to improve the current situation in Japan for future women business leaders.

Universe to Equiverse

Start the Ripple

This report summarises the key take-aways and recommendations from the International Leadership Conference 'Universe to Equiverse: Start the Ripple', jointly organised with TalentNomics India. The event was held virtually on December 9th and 10th, 2021 and brought together more than 35 Global Leaders as speakers and panellists, with over 800 participants.

Women in Japan

Updating Gender Roles in Society

The second in the series of events titled, 'Women in Japan', the 'Women in Japan: Updating Gender Roles in Society' webinar took place on 4 April 2022. The webinar focused on learning best practices from Scandinavian countries (Norway) that have been successful in their gender policy on the societal front to understand how they have achieved their current gender situation by comparing it with the present state in Japan.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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