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T20 Summit in Tokyo

At the T20 summit, which was hold in Tokyo on May 26th to 27th, the participants called for a revival of multilateralism because only together sustainable answers can be found to the global issues of our time.

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The T(hink)20 summit is a preparatory meeting for the G20 summit, which will take place in Osaka at the end of June. Renowned think tanks from G20 countries come together to develop innovative policy recommendations to help addressing urgent global challenges and generate inclusive, sustainable growth.

The main topics discussed were how to respond effectively to the disadvantages of globalization, how gender equality should be further promoted, and how to deal with climate change.

However, the experts also drew attention to emerging issues, which will require an answer in the near future. These include primarily those digital innovations that have the potential to completely change the labor markets. Experts consider demographic change and global migration movements to be just as urgent and need a common response. But, however, multilateralism is seen in a serious crisis. Protectionism, nationalism and isolationism are the biggest problems in the international system.

The participants summarized their findings in a policy paper, which was presented to the Japanese Foreign Minister Kono Taro on Monday.

The KAS participated with a T20 associated event, which aimed to make the voices of those states not participating in the G20 Summit heard.

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Rabea Brauer

Rabea Brauer

Head of the Brandenburg Political Education Forum and State Commissioner for Brandenburg +49 (0) 331 74 88 76-0


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