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Asia Urbs- Provincial Towns in Cambodia

Implementation of budget planning and conrol in Battambang and Siem Reap, Visit of Mr. Americioni

Meeting with H.E.Ly Buntheuon, D. Governor, Province Siem Reapthe Chief of the Dep. of Financeand the District Gov., Siem ReapWorkshop with the District Administration on budget planningand the District Council on budget planning and control

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Siem Reap


  • H.E.Ly Buntheuon
    • Deputy Governor of Province Siem ReapChief of the Department of Finance
      • Siem ReapDistrict Governor of Siem ReapMr. Americioni
        • Expert on budget planning

          Wolfgang Meyer

          Leiter des Auslandsbüros in China (Beijing)

          Asset Publisher

          Asset Publisher