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Study and Information Program

Reconciliation in Cambodian and German History: Remembrance Policies in evolving Democracies


Between the 19th and the 25th of January 2012 Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organizes a one week information and dialogue program in Phnom Penh with Dr. Hubertus Knabe, scientific director of the Berlin-Hohenschönhausen memorial.

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Against the background that Cambodia as well as Germany have experienced genocides in their history, the program focuses on their commonality of being post-conflict democracies. Under the title ‘Reconciliation in Cambodian and German History: Remembrance Policies in evolving democracies’, the emphasis of the visit lies on the link between reconciliation and democracy as a key to promoting and sustaining peace. Building a democratic system is a long-term and complex process and it can only evolve stably under the precondition that the groups involved in the process have developed a strong relationship – as a result of their reconciliation. The intention of the one week visit is an exchange of knowledge and experience on criminal prosecution, different form and methods of historical reconciliation and victims’ commemoration between Dr. Knabe and his Cambodian counterparts.

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Phnom Penh

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