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Roles, Relations and Cooperation of Spokes Persons and Journalists

In cooperation with CCJ, KAS carries out a training course on reporting, writing and local PR in Battambang. Among others, topics will be basics of journalist' and spokes persons' work and the communication between the press and the administration.

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Battambang District Administration


  • Mr. Chhay Sophal
    • Editor in Chief
      • Leading Member of CCJMr. Ros Than San
        • KAS-Representative Mr. Sieng Southang
          • Deputy Province GovernorMr. Tat Ly Hok
            • Deputy General Director of AKP
              • Ministry of InformationMr. Uy Ry
                • District Governor

                  Wolfgang Meyer

                  Leiter des Auslandsbüros in China (Beijing)

                  Asset Publisher

                  Asset Publisher