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Serial Seminars on “Promote Understanding of Decentralization and Deconcentration to University Students in Siem Reap

Buddhism for Development collaborates with the Siemreap Provincial Office and various universities in Siem Reap. 369 university students will be trained on decentralization and deconcentration policy and the practice of the Cambodian government.

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Siem Reap


  • Ly Samret
    • Chief of Provincial Local Administration Unit (PLAU)Sun Chamnaan
      • Assistant to PLAURun Saray
        • General Manager
          • BFDKeo Viriya
            • Branch Manager
              • BFD-SRPSou Platon
                • Deputy
                  • Siemreap District

                    Wolfgang Meyer

                    Leiter des Auslandsbüros in China (Beijing)

                    Asset Publisher

                    Asset Publisher