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Study and Information Program

Study Trip for representatives of the Ministry of Interior to Vietnam

Sharing experience on Fiscal Decentralisation, One Stop Shop Reform and Complaint Management in Vietnam and Cambodia

KAS Cambodia in cooperation with the Association of Cities of Vietnam and with support of KAS Vietnam organises a one week study programme for selected representitives of the Ministry of Interior on the Administrative Service reform in Vietnam.

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Overall Objectives of the Study Trip

Exchange experiences on the political, financial and legal obstacles/challenges of public administration and decentralization reform in Vietnam and Cambodia with specific focus on the reform and progress on “Administrative service delivery though One Stop Shops/One Window Service Offices” at different sub national levels”.

Specific Objectives for Visits and Exchange with the National Level

Clearly understand the cooperation/coordination of line ministries with sub national administrations, the financial mechanisms in the process of decentralizing

services and human resources to the OSS at different sub national levels and the challenges faced during this process and the solutions how the challenges were


Understand the reasons/determinating Factors (economic (cost-benefit) , social, easy access for the population to services ,etc.) for having opted for the Spe- cific Vietnamese OSS Structure Model at the Capital/Provincial Cities/Communal (Ward/Commune) Level

Strengthen knowledge about the experiences on monitoring the cost effectiveness and relevance of different kind of administrative services offered at different

sub national levels

Gain experiences on the availability of services (Which services are offered?) and how to achieve financial sustainability of OSS centers (especially in rural


Understand the reasons/decisions why specific services are offered by the na-tional administration, which services are these and how does the national ad-

ministration deliver their services to the public?

Exchange experience on Complaint Mechanism/Management systems in Vietnam and Cambodia – Introducing the District Ombudsman Experience in Cambodia as a potential

Model for Vietnam?

Key Target Groups at the National Level

Ministry of Home Affairs (Department of Local Government, Unit in Charge for OSS reform)

Representatives of selected (most important) line ministries in charge for OSS reform at their ministries ( including a representative of MARD in charge for ru-

ral OSS shall be invited to inform from a national perspective about the specificity of services and mechanisms at “rural OSS”)

Independent Experts from Universities/NAPA in charge of monitoring and evalu-ating the OSS Reform in Vietnam

Specific Objectives for the sub national administrations

Visit and Exchange with the different Sub-national (City/Municipality, District, Ward/Commune and Specific Rural OSS)

Gain knowledge on the different service delivery and service management systems of OSS at the different administrative levels (urban and rural)

Human resource Management of OSS

Financial Management (Income of fees and Expenditure)

Internal Coordination between Back Office and Front Office for effective service delivery

Introduction of IT and a transparent electronic processing of the dossiers

Exchange lessons and experience on the complaint handling mechanism in Vietnam and Cambodia for the local administration and the OSS/OWS

Organization of Receiving and Handling Complaints

Accountability and Feedback Mechanisms

Roles and Functions of the Person in charge for Complaint Management

How is the complaint mechanism linked to the performance of other institutions

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Vietnam, Hanoi and Nam Dinh

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