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"Journalism is the force for progressive social change"

The new KAS Media Scholar Arnold Segawa

KAS Media Africa’s new scholar for the 2018 journalism scholarship, Arnold Segawa, is 28 years old and from Uganda. After his Bachelor Degree in International Business at Makerere University he did his Post Graduate Diploma in Oil and Gas Management at Victoria University, Kampala. After one year as a Program Manager at 94.3 Royal FM in Kigali he started working for CNBC Africa as the news anchor and producer. He is registered for a Master’s degree and will be studying at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg for one year.

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How did you end up in Journalism?

My back ground is business and finance. I got quite fascinated by forex trading as I was in my first year of undergrad. I did lots of radio when I was an undergraduate in imaging radio stations but also on air, landing a prime time show on the pioneer FM station in Uganda "Sanyu FM" which I did for two years. As I wound up my on-air days, I got an invitation to Rwanda to program a radio from scratch which I did for a year. It was a bit of a challenge being in a new market. After the radio was up and running on my very own CHR format, I joined CNBC Africa as a producer and anchor focusing on the East African region.

Why did you apply for the KAS Scholarship?

I believed I was the right candidate for the scholarship coming from a country where the fourth estate is somewhat controlled. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to accentuate my journalistic skill set. Most importantly, the virtues of "civic duty" stuck out about the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung as many financial institutions and governments which I was reporting on at the time simply were oblivious to the notion.

What is journalism for you?

Journalism is the barrier that maintains democracy. It's the force for progressive social change and without it change and accountability remain a myth. As my notion would suggest, the ability to report on pressing issues is somewhat what drew me in. This comes down to the financial and economic journalism arena in Uganda and Rwanda.

How do you like Johannesburg so far?

Joburg? I'd say the journalistic facets in RSA are more evolved with investigative journalism uncovering lots more rot than in East Africa. The capital markets and the JSE too are exhilarating with the volumes dwarfing the entire EAC. Got to love the fast pace in Joburg thus far...

What classes do you attend and why?

Definitely Financial Journalism is a given with my background. Studying Financial Journalism as a module in a city which is home to the 19th largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization and the largest exchange in the African continent is without a doubt a plus.

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