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Event Reports

Smart Cities in Asia-Pacific

by Dr. Peter Hefele

Making Sustainable Transitions Successful

The future is "urban" - not only in Asia! But current urbanisation is far from being sustainable. What are the most important challenges for Asian cities? Is becoming "a smart city" the solution? What does "smartness" mean in Asia?

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On invitation of the World Energy Council (WEC), Dr Peter Hefele, director KAS RECAP, presented recent cases of metropolitan areas in Asia-Pacific in the field of smart city development.

A frontrunner in this endeavour is Singapore, which aims at becoming a "smart nation". Based on extensive use of "big data", the Singaporean government seeks at fully integrating public and private services as well as increasing traffic management and energy efficiency.

Tokyo, in preparation for the Olympic games in 2020, has set up an ambitious programme on energy efficiency. Against the backdrop of a rapid demographic change and an ageing society, the city is going to develop new social services for elder people based on the intelligent use of modern IT technologies.

Hongkong SAR also has announced a smart innovation strategy, providing better public services for local communities.

A vibrant "digital ecosystem", massively supported the by the government, has evolved in PR China. Based on an already widely accepted use of mobile applications, private companies and local governments are introducing new services in public health care, administration, traffic and financial services. But this development comes along with unprecedented options for social control and management, too.

This development in Asia-Pacific provides a lot of opportunities for cooperations with Europe, in particular for cities – from small technical solutions (i.e. smart metering) to city district development with fully integrated smart solutions.

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Dr. Peter Hefele


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