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Event Reports


Der Jugend eine Zukunft bieten

In einer zunehmend globalisierten Weltwirtschaft verbindet Europa und den Golf nicht nur der Wunsch nach einer Intensivierung der Wirtschafts- und Handelsbeziehungen, sondern beide Regionen stehen auch vor arbeitsmarktpolitischen Herausforderungen, die Raum für vergleichbare Lösungsansätze bieten.

Media and conflict in Yemen

Journalist or activist? Young Yemenis learn about the basics of conflict-sensitive media coverage

Yemen remains in a state of unrest. Non-governmental organisations and independent journalists struggle to provide help in Yemen, being increasingly hindered by aggressive behaviour of various conflict parties. Having been once an example and model for national dialogue and reconciliation, today’s Yemen is facing an uncertain future.

Journalist und/oder Aktivist?

Workshopauftakt zur Bedeutung konfliktsensitiver Berichterstattung

Auf der ganzen Welt verstreut lebende Jemeniten beginnen dreitägigen Workshop in Amman zur Bedeutung konfliktsensitiver Berichterstattung in Krisenzeiten.

Overcoming Prejudices: Islam and the West


Over the past years, hostility towards Islam in Europe as well as scathing attacks on Western values have created the wide-spread impression that “Islam” and “the West” are two inherently incompatible and irreconcilable cultures. In light of this debate, experts from Europe and the Middle East convened in Doha to discuss ways to reduce prejudices and foster mutual understanding between Orient and Occident.

Ongoing conflict in Yemen: how can the media play a more constructive role?

Kick-off workshop for research project on how local media polarise Yemeni society

Yemeni and international participants of the three-day workshop held in Amman, Jordan, 7-9 December 2014, quickly agreed: media in the Republic of Yemen are currently part of the problem, not of the solution.

"A time of new beginnings?"

Between the hope for progress and the fear of regression: the Arab World in transition

Experts and decision-makers from thirteen Arab countries and Germany discuss prospects for the future at the second interregional KAS conference at the Dead Sea, Jordan.

Preparing our youth for the challenges of the future

Expert conference with young professionals

Ways towards a more practical professional training, an easier entry into the labour market and means for promoting women in their professional endeavours: participants from Germany and the Gulf discuss the economic and social prospects for an empowered youth in both regions.

International Dialogue Programme on Energy Security

Energy experts from around the world visit Germany

Energy is the lifeblood of all modern societies. But with a rapidly rising global consumption, dwindling fossil fuel reserves and volatile supply routes, governments around the world are facing the challenge of finding new ways to secure their future energy needs.

“Innovation requires great courage”

Omani students learn basics of social entrepreneurship

Be it on the small or the large scale, any form of innovative development first and foremost requires the courage to question the conventional wisdom and embrace change, German Ambassador Hans-Christian von Reibnitz told the thirty participants of ''Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung''’s social entrepreneurship workshop in Muscat, Oman, during his welcoming speech. But as representatives of Oman’s coming generation, they also carry a special responsibility to muster this courage and actively engage in the development of their country, he added.

The privilege of experiencing other cultures

“Quadriga” host Ali Aslan speaks in Oman about the role of media in intercultural dialogue.

As a nation of merchants and seafarers, Oman has developed a tradition of cultural openness and religious tolerance. In the Middle East, the country serves as a prime example of peaceful co-existence between different religions and cultures. With 90% of its population being Muslim, Oman has also become home of growing communities of Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and others, especially due to the influx of migrant workers from East and West.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.