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South Africa 2014: Poverty & Unemployment

Sol Plaatje Aardklop Academy (SPAA) Discussion Series

Members of the SPAA discuss future scenarios and develop a vision of South Africa in the year 2014 based on available research. The findings will be presented to the public during the Aardklop Festival in Potchefstroom.

Book presentation

The politics of state resources

Party funding in South Africa

A new KAS publication focuses on the theory and practice of the use of state resources during and between elections in South and Southern Africa.


The Use of State Resouces in South Africa's Elections

KAS/EISA Policy Briefing

Party funding and recent cases of abuse of state resources are issues that will be covered during a policy briefing for parlamentarians, party politicians, civil society representatives as well as the media.


Forum "Youth & Elections"

Promoting political participation

Ten years after the first democratic elections in South Africa many young South Africans don't make use of their democratic right to vote. What are the reasons for this trend and what can be done to promote political participation?


South Africa 2014: Economic Growth & Sustainability

Sol Plaatje Aardklop Academy (SPAA) Discussion Series

Members of the SPAA discuss future scenarios and develop a vision of South Africa in the year 2014 based on available research. The findings will be presented to the public during the Aardklop Festival in Potchefstroom.


World Movement for Democracy (WMD) Conference

"Strengthening democracy through decentralisation and local empowerment" and "Building a network on local governance" are the titles of two KAS- workshops that take place during the WMD Conference.

Book presentation

Book Launch

"African Elite Perspectives: AU & NEPAD: A comparative study of seven African countries"



Follow-up Workshop für KAS-Stipendiaten

Teilnehmer des KAS/SAIIA Internship Programmes sind eingeladen, sich über die jüngsten KAS-Projekte zu informieren, mit Experten einen Themenschwerpunkt zu diskutieren und mehr über Projekt-Management zu erfahren.


Global and African Best Practice

Lessons from Singapore, South Korea, Brazil and Lesotho

Wie haben es Länder wie Singapur, Brasilien, Südkorea und Lesotho geschafft, einen erfolgreichen Transformationsprozess hinsichtlich bestimmter Sektoren wie Wirtschaft, Erziehung und Berufsbildung, usw. in Gang zu setzen?


The Women's Room

Safeguarding democracy in South Africa: The role of women

Südafrika hat im Jahr 2004 Grund zum Feiern: Zehn Jahre Demokratie! Während es bisher darum ging, Apartheid zu überwinden und demokratische Strukturen zu konsolidieren, werden die nächsten Jahre zeigen ob es gelingt, diesen Kurs beizubehalten.

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KAS/Dambisa Dube

EDP X Change 2024 - Catalysing Change through Partnerships

Inspire. Empower. Collaborate.

EDP X-Change 2024 was a one-day event designed to foster a dynamic cross-sectoral exchange to address South Africa’s pressing challenges, including the energy crisis, safety concerns, and political coalitions.

KAS/Focus Media 24

KAS x SAIIA Careers Event 2024

Formative Futures

Careers Event Inspires Humanities Graduates

KAS/Christoph Wiedenroth

Post-Elections Dialogue-Reflections on the 2024 General Election

The Youth’s Perspective

On 11 June CANRAD in cooperation with KAS hosted a post-elections dialogue Reflections on the 2024 General Elections: The Youth’s Perspective which was attended by over 100 delegates. The delegates were students and the staff of Nelson Mandela University and high school learners from Kwesi Lomso in Zwide and Masiphathisane High School in Motherwell.

International Day of Parliament

OUTA Webinar Recap

In a recent webinar titled "Enhancing Parliamentary Oversight and Accountability in South Africa," hosted in July 2024, key stakeholders discussed critical issues facing the country's legislative process.

Nancy Msibi

South African Council of Churches Voting Workshops


Konrad Adenauer Stiftung supported voter education dialogues in diverse townships in Katlehong, Vosloorus, Thokoza, Tembisa, Orlando West, Zandspruit, Diepsloot, Clayville, Dobsonville, and Molapo between February and March.

FW De Klerk Foundation

FW de Klerk Annual Conference 2024: Follow up report

Author: David Vorbau

The FW de Klerk Foundation Annual Conference 2024, held in collaboration between the FW de Klerk Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation South Africa, took place on February 2nd in Cape Town.


Has the ANC lost touch with South Africans: Summary

Author: David Vorbau

In a lively discussion on Wednesday, January 31, moderated by Rebecca Davis (Daily Maverick), Moeletsi Mbeki and Professor Nicola de Jager delved into the current state of the ANC and its historical mission

Civil Society Network Convergence For South Africa forms new network

Civil society network Convergence4SA (C4SA) held a one-day strategy session on Wednesday 6 December 2023.

Masterclass in Coalition Governance Leadership

A two-day masterclass on coalition government was held in Cape Town on November 7-8, hosted by the CiviNovus group and supported by KAS SA. This event was a follow-up and an opportunity to discuss the democratic future of our country with South Africa's distinguished politicians, academics and thought leaders.

National consultation of church leaders

Promoting ethical leadership qualities - Elections 2024

Strengthening participatory democracy, transparency, accountability and good governance.