

Perspectives from India-Germany: Women’s Leadership on SDGs and Green Growth

by ORF and KAS India Office

Silhouetted with a ‘women’s led development” framework, the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in collaboration with the India Office of the Konrad-Adenauer- Stiftung, organised a closed door roundtable discussion on, “Perspectives from India-Germany: Women’s Leadership on SDGs and Green Growth”, on 6th December 2022.


Key Takeaways from the Dialogue

  • Firmly convinced of shared Indo-German interests in multilateral responses to global challenges, discussants called for greater action in the light of advancing women’s leadership within the framework of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and beyond.
  • As long standing members of the “Group of Twenty”, experts from both sides culled out some priority areas to intensify their efforts for inclusive development at a momentous point in time when India holds the G20 Presidency with a specific focus to spur women’s leadership roles in building resilient, sustainable and climate friendly equitable societies.
  • A bottom -up approach has strengthened women’s political participation in India which could well be an area of shared best practices between countries.
  • Acknowledging the existing gender gap in STEM, experts agreed that to nurture a future generation of women’s workforce, enough role models will be required to invoke interest not only in various fields but also incorporating inspiring images in school curriculum, media and in popular cultures.
  • Participants at the roundtable touched upon the socio-political aspects and gender roles in forest landscape restoration in order to ensure equitable sharing of benefits. Deeping mutual co-operation for conservation of biodiversity with exchange best practices was another area of interest.
  • Facilitating a just energy transition and fostering gender smart climate finance was a critical concern among the speakers from both sides of the table who called upon the greater need for decentralised renewable energy and clean technologies to generate income opportunities for women.




Dr. Adrian Haack

Portrait Adrian Haack

Leiter des Auslandsbüros Indien +91 26113520 /
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