


Cambodia v. Hackers: Balancing Security and Liberty in Cybercrime Law

Somaly Nguon & Sopheak Srun

Cybercrime is a well-known, yet poorly understood issue in Cambodia, and the country’s existing legal framework is vague and unclear compared to international standards. Government websites have been subject to cyberattacks since 2002. Targets have included those of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Election Committee, the National Police, the military and the Supreme Court; thousands of official documents were leaked online by the hacktivist collective “Anonymous”. There are also reports of malicious local hackers, but most go unnoticed and unpunished. As a developing country, Cambodia lacks good technology practices and legislation because of poverty, poor infrastructure, weak institutions, low literacy and low ICT awareness. This paper outlines the cybersecurity threats it faces and analyzes existing legal measures such as the Criminal Code and the new draft Cybercrime Law, also looking at how these laws could be interpreted too broadly and thereby potentially restrict fundamental rights. Cybersecurity practices in China, Japan and Singapore are briefly explored, followed by recommendations on making cybersecurity law in Cambodia more robust, specific and proportionate, in line with international treaties like the Council of Europe’s Convention on Cybercrime.

Do Cambodians Trust E-Government Services? A Survey

Sereyvisith Sokhan , Chandary Raing , Channara Rin

Lack of user trust is a major reason why e-government projects fail. To align efforts for the successful implementation of e-government in Cambodia, the government focuses on platform development, integration between government agencies and other technical considerations. However, there is no proper discussion about how to enhance citizen trust in e-government services. This study explores user perceptions and trust around e-government in Cambodia by surveying 256 participants recruited through online platforms. The result of this study indicates that among well-educated and regular internet users in Cambodia, the knowledge of e-government is significantly low and that most are still neutral about whether it can be trusted or not. We have suggested several methods and approaches the government could consider in order to boost citizens’ knowledge and trust, which in turn could potentially influence user adoption of e-government.

E-Government: What Can Cambodia Learn From E-Estonia?

Sun Kim and Dr. Raimund Weiß

Estonia is an EU country where ‘99% of the public services are available online 24/7’ . This article aims to analyse whether Cambodia can develop its own e-government by learning from the Estonian model. To achieve this, the paper first defines and clarifies some key terminologies and phrases vis-à-vis e-government and e-governance. Second, the history of e-Estonia is outlined and its innovations for e-government examined. This includes among others e-cabinet, e-public services and e-democracy. After discussing the development of e-Estonia, the study moves to exploring the digital transformation of Cambodia and explaining the evolution of its e-government. The article also summarises what Cambodia has done already and what it hasn’t, including achievements and challenges in terms of digital infrastructure and digital human capital (digital literacy, skills, knowledge and experiences). The study concludes that Cambodia is undergoing a digital transformation towards e-government. And despite significant differences to the development path of Estonia, it can learn from e-Estonia because both countries share a common vision, that is, utilizing digital technologies to improve government-society relations.

The Risks of Industry 4.0 on Cambodia's Garment Sector

Dr. Daniel Schmücking

There are major innovations in the global economy which could change the face of industrial production forever. A term that embodies multiple new technologies in manufacturing is Industry 4.0. Highly developed countries have the necessary monetary, intellectual and industrial resources to embrace and shape this change, unlike developing countries which are still catching up economically. This is especially true when an economy is highly dependent on just one sector and its low labor costs, as is the case with Cambodia and its garment industry. The impact of digitalization on manufacturing will be significant. Low-skilled jobs could disappear on a large scale and there will be an urge to restructure. To get a better understanding of Cambodia’s economy, this report asks the question: What impact does Industry 4.0 have on the garment sector in Cambodia? The first chapter will focus on global trends in manufacturing which are often described by the term Industry 4.0 and their impact on the garment sector. Afterwards, the report analyzes the risks stemming from these developments on the Cambodian economy in general and on the garment industry in particular, before finally finding and presenting approaches that policymakers could take in order to attain the most positive outcome for Cambodia.

How Digital Tech Can Help Fix Cambodia's Broken Education and Healthcare Systems

Riccardo Corrado & Patchanee Tungjan

It is widely recognized that education plays the most important role in the social development of a nation and for this reason it has also been described as one of the best elements for nurturing the basic needs for human development and escaping poverty. The two authors dive deeper into the topic and link it to e-governance.

Lead in: E-governance in Cambodia

Ann-Cathrin Klöckner & Robert Hör

E-government, in its ideal state, aims to solve a variety of governance challenges in developing and developed countries. The two authors look deeper into the benefits and challenges of e-governance in Cambodia and provide a broad overview.

E-Governance in Cambodia

Digital Insights Issue 2019

Digital Insights - E-governance in Cambodia brought together authors from all walks of life in order to explore and mature thoughts, ideas and knowledge about decisive e-government topics, which include cyber security, the role of data and trust, Facebook and service provision tailored to citizens and business needs. We hope this publication will get you involved in the topic and encourage you to not just read, but also to provide us with critical feedback and ideas in order to grow the research community! Have a good read and keep on learning, exploring and sharing!

fnfbangkok / flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0

Politischer Showdown in Kambodscha

Oppositionsführer Sam Rainsy bleibt vorerst im Exil

Das Datum für den finalen Showdown von Sam Rainsy wurde rechtzeitig festgelegt. Der im Pariser Exil lebende Oppositionsführer kündigte seine Rückkehr nach Kambodscha für den 9. November 2019 an. Ob der 30. Jahrestag des Falls der Berliner Mauer zufällig oder bewusst gewählt wurde, sei dahingestellt. Wohl aber wünschte sich Sam Rainsy ähnlich euphorische Bilder und Menschenmassen 30 Jahre später auf den Straßen Phnom Penhs wie damals in Berlin. Warum es anders kam und was dies für Sam Rainsys politische Karriere und die Politik Kambodschas bedeutet, erklärt dieser Länderbericht.

“Multilateralism Light”?

The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and the Rescue of a Rules-Based International Order

In this article the autor Jürgen Rüland argues whether the promotion of multilateralism is welcomed by the ASEM. With the right-wing movements happening in the west he addresses how far ASEM is prepared to act proponent of multilateralism.

ASEAN in ASEM: The Socialization of the ASEAN Way?

Dr. Cheunboran Chanborey

In this article the author attempts to investigate the extent to which the ASEAN Way has been socialized in the ASEM process. He claims that the most important factor that helps the plurality of the member states to maintain the ASEM process is its informality to freely discuss a wide range of topics and explore their common interests.