

Lebanon: Fact-Finding Mission by German MP

MP Paul Ziemiak and his team on a three-day study and fact-finding mission to Lebanon


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Recap video of MP Paul Ziemiak's visit to Lebanon

YouTube, KASLebanon

In late October 2022, Paul Ziemiak, member of the German Bundestag, and his team conducted a study and dialogue program in Lebanon.

The program included numerous meetings and field trips. Among others, the delegation visited the UNHCR refugee camp in Jabe Jannine in the Bekaa Plain, the Community Health Center of the Order of Malta in Kefraya (Bekaa) and Ain El Remmaneh (Beirut) and the home for the disabled (Deir el Salib) run by Sisters of the Cross in Jounieh. In addition, meetings were held with the Lebanese Forces Party, the Kataeb Party and Prime Minister Najib Mikati. The delegation also met experts from the Lebanese think tank community as well as representatives of the private sector and received briefings from German Ambassador Andreas Kindl and Rear Admiral Michael Busse, commander of the UNIFIL Maritime Task Force. MP Ziemiak and his team also met with families of the victims of the Beirut port explosion and a group of KAS scholarship holders.

On his final day, MP Paul Ziemiak and his office members, along with KAS Lebanon, visited the Beirut port silos, met with families of port explosion victims, and concluded the visit with a lunch discussion with KAS scholarship holders.

An interview with MP Paul Ziemiak and Mr. Michael Bauer was conducted at the conclusion of the fact-finding mission.



Hamad Elias

PM Hamad Elias

Projekt-koordinator 00961 (0)1 388 095/6


