

Role of Religion in Anti Corruption Strategies




21 November 2005 (Monday

Part I: Introduction

8.30am – 9.00am


9.00am – 9.10am

Welcoming Remarks by TI-M Representative

9.10am – 9.30am

Opening Remarks by TI-M President

9.30am – 9.50am

Speech by the President of the Integrity Institute of Malaysia

9.50am –10.20am

Keynote by theY.B. Datuk Dr Abdullah Mohd Zain, (Minister in the Prime Minister's Department - Religious Affairs)

10.20am- 10.30am

Presentation of Souvenir to the Minister by KAF Representative

Part II: Sharing beliefs on anti-corruption & religion

11.00 - 11.20am

Perspectives from Islam

11.20am – 11.40am

Perspectives from Buddhism

11.45am – 12.05pm

Perspectives from Christianity

12.05pm – 12.25pm

Perspectives from Hinduism

12.30pm – 12.50pm

Perspectives from Bahaism

12.50pm – 1.10pm

Perspectives from Sikhism

1.15pm – 2.30pm


Part III: Group Action

2.30pm – 2.45pm

Short overview on the expectations of the Workshop (KAF)

2.45pm – 3.00pm

Questions and Answers Session (facilitated by TI-M)

3.00pm – 5.30pm

Group Activity & Development of Action Plan

End of Day 1

22 November 2005 (Tuesday)

Part I: Group Activity and Presentation

9.00am – 10.30am

Preparing the Action Plan (in groups)

11.00am – 11.15am

Presentation from Group 1

1.15am – 11.30am

Presentation from Group 2

11.30am – 11.45am

Presentation from Group 3

11.45am – 12.00pm

Presentation from Group 4

12.00pm - 12.15pm

Presentation from Group 5

12.15pm – 12.30pm

Presentation from Group 6

12.30pm - 1.00pm

Discussion on the Action Plans/ Input from TI-M & KAF

1.00pm – 2.30pm Lunch

Part II: Commitment Pledge

2.30pm – 3.30pm

Commitment Pledge (each group is given 10 minutes)

3.30pm – 3.45pm

Closing remarks

3.45pm – 4.15pm

Press Conference to announce the plans for 9th December celebrations + Tea break for participants

End of Day 2


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Institute of Integrity Malaysia (IIM), Menara Integriti, Persiaran Duta, Off Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur


Dr. Peter Schier




Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M)

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Auslandsbüro Malaysia