

CANCELLED! „Fit for 55“: the EU Green Transition in the Face of International Competition

How can the EU green transition be guaranteed in the face of increasing international economic competition and the increased energy costs following Russia's invasion of Ukraine?

Joining us to discuss the future of the "Fit for 55" legislative agenda will be the EPP Members of European Parliament Henna Virkkunen and Sara Skyttedal. The event will be livestreamed on the KAS Nordics YouTube page and Zoom.



We regret to inform you that today's online discussion has been cancelled due to unforseen circumstances. We at the KAS Nordics team are very sorry about this, but hope to be able to reschedule the conversation at a later date!


As part of the European Green Deal, the Fit for 55 package contains a series of proposals to change EU legislation and to introduce new initiatives in order to orient EU policies in accordance with the climate goals agreed by the Council and European Parliament. With the EU climate goals including net carbon neutrality by 2050, the “Fit for 55“ package aims to bring EU legislation in line with the EU’s 55% emission reduction goal for 2030. Being wide-ranged in nature, the Fit for 55 package seeks to ensure a just and socially fair green transition, while at the same time maintaining and strengthening the innovation and competitiveness of EU industry, and ensuring a level economic playing field with third countries.

At the same time, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has fueled a seldom seen increase in energy prices, exposing EU consumers to historically high price increases throughout the economy. What effects might the energy crisis facing Europeans have on the long-term environmental goals of the EU?

Joining us to discuss the future of some of the most important Fit for 55 legislative initiatives will be the EPP Members of European Parliament Henna Virkkunen (Kokoomus, Finland) and Sara Skyttedal (Kristdemokraterna, Sweden).

The event will be livestreamed on the KAS Nordics YouTube page, as well as on Zoom.

Sign up for the live Zoom broadcast here.


"The State of the EU Energy Union: Enabling the Green Energy Transition in a Time of European Energy Insecurity"

Henna Virkkunen, MEP
Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)

"The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and Emission Trading System (ETS) – Reaching the EU’s Environmental Goals Without Harming EU Competitiveness?"

Sara Skyttedal, MEP
Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)

Q&A and Discussion

Moderated by Richard Forsén from the KAS Nordic Countries Project

End of the event


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  • Henna Virkkunen
    • MEP (Kokoomus
    • Finland) and Member of the Committee on Industry
    • Research and Energy (ITRE)
  • Sara Skyttedal
    • MEP (Kristdemokraterna
    • Sweden) and Member of the Committee on Industry
    • Research and Energy (ITRE)

Richard Forsén