

22nd Asia-Pacific Roundtable

The Asia-Pacific Roundatable (APR) plays a vital role undertaken by independent think tanks in the Track Two process for the promotion of confidence building and conflict resolution in the region.



From June 2 until June 6, the Institute of Strategic and International Studies Malaysia will, supported by Konrad Adenauer Foundation, host its 22nd Asia-Pacific Roundtable in Kuala Lumpur. This Roundtable is an established forum for informal exchanges of views among scholars and practitioners mainly in issues of peace and security of general concern for the region. Bringing together more than 250 participants, it may be considered the premier Track II Forum in the region. Due to a comprehensive view of regional security, a broad range of issues is dealt with, thereby promoting regional confidence building and conflict resolution.

This year’s plenary sessions will embrace subjects reaching from the role of global and emerging global powers in the region such as the USA, Russia, China and India, to issues of general concern such as terrorism or economic security, to the integration of ASEAN, tackling the key areas of economic integration, the role of the Charter or Myanmar. Various concurrent sessions will deal more specifically with these topics, also providing in-depth country insights.

The illustrious list of speakers will be upgraded by the current Prime Minister of Malaysia and the ASEAN Secretary General.


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Kuala Lumpur


Außen- und Sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen in Asien-Pazifik: Konferenzzusammenfassung des 22. Asia-Pacific Roundtable
Jetzt lesen

Dr. Colin Dürkop

