

Legal Drafting

Good practices between the Lebanese and European perspectives

Under the Patronage of the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Mr. Nabih Berri, the EU-funded project "Support to Parliamentary Development in Lebanon" organised, in partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, a workshop on Legal Drafting.



The workshop took place on Thursday 28 January 2016 at the Lebanese Parliament, with the participation of Lebanese Members of Parliament, parliamentary staff, academics and civil society actors. Experts from the French National Assembly and the German Bundestag shared their experiences.

In four sessions, participants discussed the constitutional concepts of legislation, importance and reasons of legislation, principles for drafting a legal text, and the importance of having clear guidelines for legal drafters.

Based on the discussions experts will develop a Legal Drafting Manual which will contain clear guidelines on how to draft legislative proposals and amendments. The Manual, which is expected to be presented in the spring of 2016, will be used by Members of the Lebanese Parliament and legal experts of the Parliament, and will contribute to increasing the quality of the legislative process. The Manual will also be shared with the Lebanese government.

The EU-funded project “Support for Parliamentary Development in Lebanon” aims to further enhance the parliament’s efficiency in carrying out its functions and responsibilities through concrete activities targeting both MPs and parliamentary staff. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's contribution mainly consisted in bringing in a German perspective about legal drafting at the federal level.


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Beirut, Libanon


Peter Rimmele


André Sleiman