

Europa und Russland-Beziehungen zwischen Abhängigkeiten und Missverständnissen

Konferenz mit MPU

Internationale Experten sprechen über das Verhältnis "Russland-EU: Partnerschaft, Co-Existenz, Kooperation".



Nach dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion Anfang der 90er Jahre orientierte sich die russische Staatsführung wieder verstärkt nach Westen. Durch eine intensive politische und wirtschaftliche Kooperation mit den USA und Europa will Russland seinen internationalen Einfluss langfristig sichern. Dabei legt Präsident Wladimir Putin besonderen Wert auf die europäische Identität seines Landes. Demnach hegt Russland ein besonderes Interesse an einem "einheitlichen Großeuropa" und dem Aufbau eines gemeinsamen "europäischen Hauses".



Date:18th October 2007

Conference place:Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Joštova 10, Brno

Language:English, Czech


9.30 hod.Registration

10.00 hod. Session I

1) Mutual relations in the context of EU enlargement

Moderator: Jan Holzer

Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University

10.00 hod.Geopolitical connotations of European dimension of Russian foreign policy: historical and contemporary perspectives (the presentation shall analyze in a rather general and theoretical perspective the geopolitical dimension of relations between Russia and Europe – what place has Europe have in Russian foreign policy in historical perspective; Russia and its traditional partners in Europe; what impacts shall have the replacement of bilateral relations with the EU-Russia relations platform on Russian thinking about Europe?)

Fraser Cameron

EU-Russia Center

10.20 hod.EU Eastern policy in the context of EU-Russia relations: Neighbourhood policy vs. further enlargement? (European Neighbourhood Policy as a new instrument of relations between EU and post-soviet area; ENP as an alternative for EU membership for post-soviet states; special position of Russia in EU Eastern policy; is EU strong enough as an IR actor to play an appropriate role in relations with Russia? How Russian factor influences EU policy towards other post-soviet states? Perspectives of EU-Russia relations in EU-27)

Petra Kuchyňková

Department of International Relations and European Studies, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University

Democracy and Culture Studies Centre

10.40 hod.Ukraine – between Russia and EU (Ukraine as the major symbol of political and security „bridge“ or „grey zone“ between Russia and EU – what impacts does it have on Ukrainian foreign policy; other factors influencing Ukrainian foreign policy; Ukrainian pretensions towards stronger relations with EU as a factor in EU-Russia relations)

Jerzy Kozakiewicz

East European Studies, Universytet Warszawski

11.00 hod. Russia and Europe: security and strategic dimension of mutual relations (strategic dimension of Europe-Russia relations after NATO and EU enlargement, sticking points – Europe and post-soviet area: Baltic states, Kaliningrad; Russia and European security – partner or a threat? Meaning of European security – NATO, EU, U.S. factor – in Europe-Russia relations)

Ivo Samson

Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Bratislava

11.20 hod.Discussion

12.00 hod.Dinner (Raut)

13.30 hod.Session II

2) Economic and security dimensions of mutual relations

Moderator: Břetislav Dančák

International Institute of Political Science, Masaryk University

13.30 hod.EU-Russia relations in energy security dimension (Energy security as a new factor in security-strategic and economic relations between Europe and Russia; security of energy transport and deliveries; bilateral and EU dimension of energy security relations)

Agata Łoskot-Strachota

Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich, Warszawa

13.50 hod.Business and economic aspects of EU-Russia relations (history of EU-Russia business-economic relations and their development after EU Eastern enlargement; analysis of particular problems of business-economic relations between EU and Russia; preparation of new EU-Russia PCA in economic context; Kaliningrad Oblasť as a factor of EU-Russia business-economic relations – perspectives or disillusionment?)

Expert from Konrad Adenauer Stiftung or EU-Russia Center

14.10 hod.Internal security – organized crime as a problem in EU-Russia relations (organized crime as a threat for social and political stability in Russia; forms of Russian organized crime in EU and its impacts on European stability and security; perspectives in development of this phenomenon)

Tomáš Šmíd

Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University

14.30 hod.Post-soviet area and Schengen zone: problems and challenges (enlargement of Schengen zone and its impacts on migration into EU from post-soviet area, Schengen and visa reciprocity as a problem of relations between EU a Russia, EU and other post-soviet states)

Tomáš Hajšman

Department of migration and integration, Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic

14.50 hod.Discussion

15.30 hod.End of the conference


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Tomislav Delinić

Tomislav Delinic

Leiter der Auslandsbüros Tschechien und Slowakei
Europa und Russland-Beziehungen zwischen Abhängigkeiten und Missverständnissen

