


Außenpolitik und Entwicklung - Strukturen, Prozesse, Politiken und die langsame Erosion von USAID

Die USA wie viele andere westliche Geberländer überdenken das Verhältnis ihrer Außenpolitik und Entwicklungspolitik. Gerald Hyman, Senior Fellow am renommierten Center for Strategic and International Studies und ehemaliger leitender Mitarbeiter von USAID hat auf Anregung der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung die aktuelle Entwicklungspolitik der USA einer kritischen Würdigung unterzogen ... zum englischen Text des Berichts.

Rede von Präsident Barak Obama bei Millenium Development Goals Summit in New York

zum englischen Text.

President Obama’s Foreign Policy Vision: Defining the Obama Doctrine

Almost two years into his term, President Obama had hoped to improve America’s standing in the world by crafting a foreign policy vastly different from his predecessor’s. His statements and actions demonstrate a doctrine that sees America less as “the exceptional nation” than as an “equal partner,” one nation among many. Characteristics of his policies include a heightened emphasis on multilateralism, an apologetic attitude toward the past, a more restrained role on the global stage, and an atmosphere of mutual respect toward oppressive autocracies.

American Muslim Leaders Visit Concentration Camps to Learn About Holocaust, Pay Respects to Victims

A group of eight American Muslim leaders have visited the Dachau andAuschwitz concentration camps to learn more about the Holocaust and to payrespects to its victims.

Bundeskanzlerin Merkels Rede vor der U.N. zu den Millenniumszielen


Bundeskanzlerin Merkel hat in New York vor den Vereinten Nationen über die Ziele deutscher Entwicklungspolitik gesprochen. Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, zeitliche Begrenzung und die Verantwortung der jeweiligen Regierung lauten die wichtigsten Punkte Merkels, die sich zu den Milleniumszielen der UN bekennt.

Midterm Elections: Referendum über die Politik von Präsident Obama

Am Dienstag, 2. November 2010, werden in den USA Zwischenwahlenstattfinden. Zur Wahl stehen die 435 Mitglieder desRepräsentantenhauses, 37 (34 für sechs Jahre, drei für kürzerePerioden) der 100 Senatoren, 37 Gouverneure von Bundesstaatensowie zahlreiche weitere Positionen in Bundesstaaten,Kreisen und Städten. Auch wenn viele Wahlkämpfe vonörtlichen Themen und den jeweiligen Kandidaten geprägt sind,so ist die Stimmungslage im Lande derart, daß dieZwischenwahlen vor allem zu einem Referendum über diebisherige Politik von Präsident Barack Obama werden dürften.

Tolerance Through Truth

8 American Muslim leaders visited Nazi concentration camps in an effort to promote tolerance, understanding, and change between Jewish and Muslims communities.

US Imams and Muslim leaders Make Historic Trip to Auschwitz

On August 7 – 11, eight of the most influential Imams and Muslim leaders in the U.S. made an historic trip to concentration camps in Germany and Poland. The trip was led by Rabbi Jack Bemporad of the Center for Interreligious Understanding (NJ); organized by Prof. Marshall Breger, Catholic University of America and Suhail Khan of the Institute for Global Engagement; and funded by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Germany). Joining the delegation were two State Department Ambassadors: Hannah Rosenthal, Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism and Rashid Hussein.

Visit to Auschwitz and Dachau

Joining eight imams in prayer at Dachau concentration camp was a powerful experience and a profound show of faith and solidarity with the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust. This event took place even as anti-Semitism and Islamophobia spread across the world. For these eight religious leaders, the future will be shaped by a shared understanding of the past, not by the prejudice of the present. As representatives of government and communities we joined these clerics to bear witness to the horror and tragedy of the Holocaust and reaffirm the pledge - “never again.”

An imam at Auschwitz: Local Muslim cleric joins Jewish leaders on Holocaust journey

Suhaib Webb can’t stop thinking about what he saw at Auschwitz-Birkenau last month: piles of discarded shoes, ghoulish fluffs of human hair, train tracks that once led to death and incineration for a million Jews. The memories make him cry out to Allah. Last month Webb, who is an imam in Santa Clara, and seven other Muslim clerics joined Jewish leaders on a journey to the death camps at Dachau and Auschwitz-Birkenau. The experience seared him.