

Final Conference: Evaluating LOGOVIC Project

As the project "Strengthening Local Governance for Local Economic Growth in Vietnamese Cities" is going to its end the conference will evaluate the two year-project & announce name of the city of "good local economic development and livability".



The conference to evaluate the EU Project "Strengthening Local Governance for Local Economic Growth in Vietnamese Cities (LOGOVIC) is to take place in Hue City on June 26.

The project which is co-funded by the European Union and Konrad- Adenauer-Stiftung of Germany (KAS)has been carried out by the Association of Cities of Vietnam (ACVN) since July 2013 with participation of three cities of Hue, Tay Ninh, and Hai Duong. The Project has successfully completed all the 16 activities such as doing a baseline survey in the pilot cities, developing training curricula and performing training courses for city officials, household businesses and stakeholders.

Also included in the project is a competition among three mentioned cities to be entitled "City of good local economic development and livability”. The result of the competition is scheduled to be released at the conference.

Under the project a policy dialogue “Good local governance for household business development in Vietnamese cities” was organized with the participation of key ministries, ACVN, pilot cities, and business associations.

The conference, which is expected to be an opportunity for the participants to learn about policy recommendations to all levels of the Government, will receive 60 guests, including representatives from ministries, Government agencies, ACVN member cities, household businesses, experts and media associations.


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Hue City


Rabea Brauer

Rabea Brauer

Leiterin des Politischen Bildungsforums Brandenburg und Landesbeauftragte für Brandenburg +49 (0) 331 74 88 76-0



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Auslandsbüro Vietnam