

Professional Training Seminar: Legal Service 2015 & the Role of Legal Service in Socio-Political&Socio-Professional Orgs

Under the sponsorship of KAS Vietnam, the Ministry of Justice and Lang Son Department of Justice will co-organise a training seminar on legal service for legal officers of ministries, agencies and local administrative bodies in Lang Son Province.



LANG SON (KAS) - The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and Lang Son Province’s Department of Justice (DoJ) will co-organise a professional training seminar on legal service 2015 in the northern province on April 23-24. Under the sponsorship of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Vietnam (KAS), the two-day seminar will spare the first day for legal experts from MoJ, DoJ, legal officers and lawyers to discuss the role of legal service in socio-political organisations and socio-professional organisations. The seminar speakers, who are legal officials from MoJ, the Institute of Legal Science and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, will address the difficulties and shortcoming in performing legal service in line ministries, agencies and local authorities. They will also recommend the measures to mobilise the participation of people and organisations in legal service provision. On the second day of the seminar, legal experts from MOJ will provide working skills to legal officers of ministries, agencies, and local authorities. The participants will also learn how to integrate gender equality in legislative development. The training matches with the Circular 01/2015/TT-BTP on implementing functions and authorities of legal service agencies. - KAS


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Lang Son


Rabea Brauer

Rabea Brauer

Leiterin des Politischen Bildungsforums Brandenburg und Landesbeauftragte für Brandenburg +49 (0) 331 74 88 76-0


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