

10th Anniversary of Vietnam - Germany Strategic Partnership

Virtual Conference

The Strategic Partnership between Vietnam and Germany established in October 2011 marked a new breakthrough in the bilateral relationship. Over the last decade, both countries have overcome many challenges to realize the Strategic Partnership with remarkable achievements in many areas. Political cooperation has been intensively developed through various bilateral and multilateral mechanisms. In terms of economy, Germany has been Vietnam’s largest trade partner among EU countries and contributed significantly to Vietnam’s economic development. About 300 Germany companies have invested in Vietnam with more than US$ 2 billion. Visible progress has been made in other realms, particularly education, security and defence. Vietnam - Germany relations have increasingly important meaning not only to each other, but also to interregional and global peace and prosperity.



10th Anniversary of Vietnam - Germany Strategic Partnership (2011 - 2021)

In 2021 bilateral strategic exchanges have been promoted at different levels, most notably the 6th Vice-Minister meeting, the phone talks between two Foreign Ministers (25 May) and two heads of government (22 June). During their phone talk, Vietnamese Prime Minister and German Chancellor agreed to further promote our Strategic Partnership and seize the opportunities for bilateral cooperation. Given the current regional and global context, as well as domestic developments in both countries, reviewing the first decade of Strategic Partnership and charting vision of the next decade are needed for setting priorities and targets of bilateral cooperation in the upcoming years.

Objectives of the webinar

The webinar is aimed to:

  • Take stock of the 10 years of Vietnam – Germany Strategic Partnership
  • Review the achievements of bilateral cooperation in the political – security and socio-economic areas
  • Exchange views on strategic issues and their implications for Vietnam - Germany relationship
  • Explore opportunities and identify challenges posed to bilateral relations 
  • Make recommendations for Vietnam – Germany Strategic Partnership in the upcoming years


13:30 – 13:40 Opening session

Dr Pham Lan Dung

Acting President

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam


Mr Florian Feyerabend

Resident Representative to Vietnam


13:40 – 14:15 Keynote speeches

H.E. To Anh Dung

Deputy Minister

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


Mr Martin Thümmel

Director for East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific

German Federal Foreign Office

14:15 – 15:15 - Session 1: Political – security cooperation

In this session, the following key issues will be discussed:

  • Bilateral cooperation in political – security areas
  • Collaboration between Vietnam and Germany in multilateral mechanisms
  • Strategic dynamism and implications for Vietnam – Germany relationship
  • Recommendations for political – security cooperation


Dr Nguyen Hung Son

Vice President

Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam


H.E. Dr Guido Hildner

Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Vietnam


Mr Doan Hoang Minh

Deputy Director General

European Department

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam


Dr Gerhard Will

Visiting Fellow

German Institute for International and Security Affairs


H. E. Amb. Doan Xuan Hung

Former Deputy Foreign Minister

Former Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Germany


Lt Col Daniel Marco Schneider

Defence Attaché at the German Embassy Hanoi (tbc)

Federal Ministry of Defence



15.30 - 16.30 - Session 2: Socio – economic cooperation

In this session, the following key issues will be discussed:

  • Achievements of bilateral cooperation in socio-economic areas
  • Opportunities and challenges to bilateral cooperation
  • Recommendations for socio-economic cooperation in the upcoming 5 – 10 years



Dr Jan Cernicky

Policy Advisor International Trade and Economy

Division Analysis and Consulting




H.E. Nguyen Minh Vu

Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Germany




Ms Bettina Horstmann

Head of Division East Asia, Southeast Asia

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development


Mr. Bui Vuong Anh

Commercial Counselor

Vietnamese Embassy in the Federal Republic of Germany


Mr Marko Walde

Chief Representative of the Delegate of German Industry and Commerce in Vietnam (GIC/AHK Vietnam)

Vice-German of the German Business Association in Vietnam


Mr Do Nhat Hoang

Director General of Foreign Investment Department

Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam (tbc)




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  • - Representative of the Vietnamese and German MOFAs - Representative of related ministries and agencies - Former Ambassadors - Business community - Think tanks and Universities

    Vu Thi Thu Phuong


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