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Political School of the DP Youth Forum (FRPD)
A series of events with 21 discussion rounds on politics, the past and current affairs

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In unserer Stadt bestimmen wir mit!

Junge Menschen gestalten Politik in ihrer Heimatstadt Shkodra aktiv mit

Jungen Menschen in Shkodra sollen eine hörbare Stimme bekommen. Ihnen wird eine Möglichkeit gegeben, sich zu aktuellen Themen der Politik auf der kommunalen Ebene in ihrer Heimatstadt einbringen zu können um aktiv mitzuentscheiden.


Das besser Verstehen und die Stärkung der Überwachungskapazitäten für die Implementierung der Justizreform

Im Rahmen dieses Projektes soll Fachwissen über die Justizreform an Studierende ohne juristischen Hintergrund transferiert werden, womit neue Akteure für die Überwachung der Reform geschaffen werden sollen.


Increasing the development and implementation capacities of community- led projects

Am Donnerstag und Freitag (10.-11.Mai 2018) bietet die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung einen zweiten Workshop für die Mitarbeiter der Stadtverwaltung in Pogradec zum Thema „Increasing the development and implementation capacities of community-led projects“.


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Der politische und soziale Aktivismus der jungen Generation in Albanien

Zweitägiger Workshop mit politisch engagierten Jugendlichen


Justizwesen in der EU


Vortragsreihe zur Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit und Rechtsstaatlichkeit


Politics and Bargaining

Lojë me role për forcimin e pluralizmit dhe angazhimit në kuadër të proceseve të transformimeve shoqërore në Shqipëri.

Fondacioni Konrad Adenauer dhe Instituti gjerman CIVIC ofrojnë së bashku në Përmet një trajnim për aktorë të rinj të pushtetit lokal. Trajnimi synon të gjallërojë përfaqësimin aktiv të interesave në pushtetin lokal.


Politics and Bargaining

Planspiel zur Stärkung von Pluralismus und Partizipation im Rahmen von gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Albanien und CIVIC Deutschland bieten gemeinsam in Permet ein Training für junge Akteure in der Kommunalpolitik an. Das Training soll dazu dienen, sich für die aktive Interessenvertretung auf lokaler Ebene fit zu machen.

Expert conference


Conference on the 27th Anniversary of the Fall of Communism

27 Jahre - solange ist es her, dass die Albaner die monumentale Hoxha-Statue auf dem zentralen Skanderbeg-Platz stürzten. Der Sturz des Denkmals nahm den Menschen die Angst und das kommunistische System war endgültig am Ende.


Weltradiotag-Die Rolle und der Bedeutungswandel des Hörfunks in der heutigen Zeit

Anlässlich des Weltradiotages organisiert die Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Departement für Journalismus und Kommunikation der Universität Tirana das Forum: „Die Rolle und der Bedeutungswandel des Hörfunks in der heutigen Zeit“


Campaign Bootcamp

Trajnim intensiv dy-ditor mbi fushatat zgjedhore digjitale

Trajnim dyditor me të rinj të përzgjedhur të Forumit Rinor të Partisë Demokratike, FRDP

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President of the Saxon State Parliament visited Albania

Dr. Mathias Rößler visit in Albania

From "Enemy" to 15 Years of Membership - Albania's Challenging Journey to NATO

Albania's Journey to NATO

Meeting in the Constitutional Court

Meeting with Holta Zaçaj, Head of the Albanian Constitutional Court

Meeting with KAS alumni

KAS scholars meeting with Dr. Thomas Kunze

Albania in the Security Council: Achievements, challenges and vision for the second year

Open conversation with the Permanent Representative of Albania to the UN, Ambassador Ferit Hoxha

June 1, 2021 was a historic date for Albania. Our country was accepted as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. For the first time, 66 years after joining the UN, Albania sits at the top table for peace, security and stability.

Learning Europe and acting Europe

Explaining and involving the process of integration

AOn the occasion of Europe Day on May 09, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation of Albania organized in cooperation with experts and professors from the Department of European Integration of the Universities of Durres and Tirana an event for young people in the Palace of Culture in Durres

Strong counties serving their citizens

The future of regional governance in Albania

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Albania in cooperation with the Assembly of European Regions organized a conference on "Strong counties serving their citizens - the future of regional governance in Albania" in Tirana from March 28-30.


7th Edition

MEMORY DAYS is an annual activity that aims to keep alive the social debate and the memory of the consequences of the communist regime in Albania. It has been conceived and organized by the Institute for Democracy, Media and Culture (IDMC) in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), since October 2016. Every year there is a certain motto. The focus of the 7th edition was on the myths about communism that prevail to this day.

The impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on Human Rights and Democracy in Albania

On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Albania organized in close cooperation with the Foundation for Freedom and Democracy and the Westminster Foundation for Democracy Albania the International Conference "Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic on Human Rights and Democracy in Albania".

The Academy of SMEs´ 2021

ONLINE TRADE - Challenges for SMEs´

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation organized in cooperation with the Albanian institute “SME Albania” a training for young entrepreneurs on the topic: ONLINE TRADE – Challenges for SMEs´.