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fully booked

The Future of Europe and the Role of the Youth

Exchange with Director-General Themis Christophidou (DG EAC), European Commission

The event “The Future of Europe and the role of the Youth” will take place on Tuesday, 13 July 2021 from 18:00-18:45 via Zoom. The aforementioned topic will be discussed virtually with Themis Christophidou, Director-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC) at the European Commission.


The Morning After

Bulgaria and Moldova have voted

The European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is delighted to invite you to the next session of our event format “The Morning After”. In this format we are monitoring Parliamentary and/or Presidential Elections in European states and are discussing the results with our KAS colleagues in the respective country. The next session will focus on Bulgaria and Moldova, where Parliamentary Elections are scheduled for 11 July 2021.


EU-Switzerland Relations between Rupture and New Beginnings

KAS Europe Talks

The European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is pleased to invite you to the next event of our format "KAS Europe Talks". In this format, the European Office regularly organises a discussion with the head of another KAS office abroad, in which both the latest developments in the respective countries or regions and the status quo of relations with the European Union are discussed. This event takes a look at Switzerland and discusses the question of neighbourly relations between the two partners after the negotiations on a joint framework agreement were discontinued.

Expert talk


Das neue Zauberwort der Energiewende?

Eines der wichtigsten Themen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft ist unbestritten die Dekarbonisie-rung des Energiesektors. Doch wie kann dies gelingen? Die EU hat ihre Antwort in Wasserstoff gefunden. Wasserstoff soll in drei Phasen fossile Brennstoffe bis 2050 komplett ersetzen, in-dem die bisherige Wasserstoffnutzung dekarbonisiert wird, neue Anwendungen und Infra-strukturen geschaffen und fossile Energieträger in CO2-intensiven Industriesektoren durch Wasserstoff ersetzt werden. Mit ihrem Fokus auf Wasserstoff ist die EU nicht allein. Auch die Bundesregierung verfolgt mit ihrer nationalen Wasserstoffstrategie ähnliche Ziele, um eine wettbewerbsfähige Wasserstoff-Produktion aufzubauen und sich die globale Vorreiterrolle bei Wasserstofftechnologien zu sichern.


Eastern Partnership at it's best - The Newly Signed Memorandum of the Association Trio

A new Momentum for EU Cooperation? The Foreign Ministers of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in Brussels

As part of European Neighborhood Policy, the Eastern Partnership was seen from 2009 onwards as the first serious attempt to engage with Eastern European states, also in view of the EU's own great interest in secu- rity, stability and enlargement. Today the Eastern Partnership acquires a growing importance. Most recently, with a new generation of association agreements for Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, the “Association Trio”, the EU put forward concrete ideas to replace the Partnership and Cooperation Agreements concluded in the late 1990s. As part of these association agreements, in 2014, the EU concluded negotiations on deep- ening the comprehensive free trade agreements with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine to - among other things - improve access to goods and services, reduce tariffs and trade barriers and ensure legal frameworks. The three countries are also among the first, whose populations are benefiting from more mobility and the resulting opportunity for safe travel in Europe.


AI Proposal: Paving the way for industrial artificial intelligence?

Think Digital!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the key drivers in the data and platform economy. The use of AI can, for example, optimize production processes and raise them to a new level of efficiency. It makes a significant contribution to resource efficiency and sustainability, of which the electro and digital industry is a key enabler.


All back on board?

The NATO summit sets course after difficult years

For NATO, the past few years have sometimes been marked by internal political disagreements. At the same time, the threat level to our common security has remained high. In the face of this complex situation, the NATO Summit in Brussels now offers a welcome opportunity to open a new chapter at the right time. For the first time, the summit will be held under the attendance of newly elected U.S. President Joe Biden. Hopes are as high for his impetus as they are for the by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg recently established NATO2030 initiative. What course will the alliance take in the coming years? On which aspects will it strongly focus in the future? How can NATO become more resilient?


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


Tackling supply chain management

The EU Due Diligence & Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directives

Not one but two EU Commissioners are currently setting out to address the management of supply chains with new legislative initiatives. Financial Affairs Commissioner McGuinness and Justice Commissioner Reynders are working on a new corporate due diligence and a corporate sustainability reporting directive (CSRD) respectively. The aim is to build “a consistent framework on corporate reporting, and on sustainable corporate governance”.


The Morning After

Cyprus has voted

The European Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is pleased to invite you to the next event of our format "The Morning After". In this online format, we follow the Parliamentary and/or Presidential Elections in European countries and exchange views with our KAS colleagues on site on the morning after the election about the most important developments on election day. This time, we look at the Republic of Cyprus, where the Parliamentary Elections 2021 will be held on 30 May.

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Welcome to our new director, Beatrice Gorawantschy!

🎉 Exciting news! 🎉 We are excited to announce a significant change in leadership at the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Europe in Brussels! 🚀 After years of dedicated work and exceptional leadership, Dr. Hardy Ostry will be passing the baton to our new Director, Dr. Beatrice Gorawantschy! 🌟

Die deutschen Kommunen als Schlüsselfigur der europäischen Verkehrswende

Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung „Die deutschen Kommunen und die Europäischen Verkehrswende“ boten die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und der Deutsche Städte- und Gemeindebund die Gelegenheit zum Austausch über die Bedeutung der kommunalen Ebene für das Gelingen der Verkehrswende.

Promoting youth priorities from Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership

Last week, we had the opportunity to welcome members of EDYN in Strasbourg. Here, members had the opportunity to meet with senior officials from the European Parliament and representatives of the European People's Party to discuss the challenges facing young people in the Eastern Partnership countries, the enlargement of the EU to include the Western Balkans, the role of youth participation in EU and non-EU policies, and the need for stronger youth representation in EU policymaking and decision-making. Supporting young and aspiring politically interested people is one of the main goals of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. We are very happy to have worked with a well-organized and ambitious organization and its members. We would like to thank Rainer Wieland, Lidia Pereira, Michael Gahler and Karlo Ressler and Andrius Kubilius for having us.

Moritz Kreis

60 Years Élysée-Treaty

Perspectives and Challenges of the Franco-German Partnership

"More ambitions - less contentment", this was the demand of the chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and former president of the German Bundestag, Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert, during the event "60 Years Élysée-Treaty - Perspectives and Challenges of the Franco-German Partnership", organized by the European Office of the KAS on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Élysée Treaty. The aim was to evaluate ways to strengthen the strained relations between Germany and France and to intensify their alliance, which underpins the unity of the EU.

Europa und die Zukunft der liberalen Weltordnung

Nationale, europäische und globale Perspektiven

„Was kann und sollte Europa in Kooperation mit seinen Partner tun, um die liberale Weltordnung aufrechtzuerhalten und zukunftsorientiert fortzuentwickeln?“ war die Leitfrage der zweitägigen hybriden Konferenz, die in Kooperation mit der Andrássy Universität Budapest (AUB) stattfand.


Der NATO Gipfel in Brüssel - Geeint in ein neues Zeitalter?

Selbstvergewisserung und Neuausrichtung der transatlantischen Allianz nach schwierigen Jahren.

Die Welt ist in einem ständigen Wandel unterzogen. Die North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) als kollektives, zwischenstaatliches Verteidigungsbündnis musste im Laufe ihres 72-jährigen Bestehens auf das sich ständig ändernde geopolitische und sicherheitspolitische Umfeld reagieren. Der NATO-Gipfel in Brüssel bot die Gelegenheit, im Angesicht einer immer komplexer werdenden Weltordnung, ein neues Kapitel aufzuschlagen.

Die Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas – Start eines bürgerzentrierten Dialogprozesses

„Wir alle haben unsere Träume, wenn wir an die Zukunft Europas denken“ (Dr. Ursula von der Leyen)

So vielfältig Europa ist, so unterschiedlich sind auch die Träume und Erwartungen der EU-Bürgerinnen und Bürger an die Zukunft Europas. Neben dem Europatag werden in diesem Jahr am 9. Mai auch die Feierlichkeiten zum Beginn der Konferenz zur Zukunft Europas begangen. Nach einer langen Planungsphase startet damit offiziell der europaweite Bürgerdialog mit dem übergeordneten Ziel, EU-Bürgerinnen und Bürger stärker in die Entscheidungs- und Gestaltungsprozesse der Europäischen Union miteinzubeziehen. Doch ist die Europäische Union überhaupt bereit neue Wege zu gehen und an welchen Stellschrauben muss vielleicht gedreht werden, um das europäische Projekt voranzutreiben?

„KAS goes Alpbach“

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung auf dem Europäischen Forum Alpbach 2019

Unter dem Titel „Freiheit und Verantwortung – Zwei Seiten einer Medaille“ veranstaltete die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung erstmalig, vertreten durch das neu eröffnete Wiener Büro (Multilateraler Dialog KAS) und das Europabüro Brüssel gemeinsam mit der Politischen Akademie der Volkspartei, eine hochkarätig besetzte Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen des Europäischen Forums Alpbach.

Uwe Nölke / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

„Populisten stellen die Systemfrage“

10. F.A.Z.-KAS-Debatte in Mainz über die Gefahr durch Populisten und die Bedeutung der Europawahlen

Knapp zwei Monate vor der Wahl zum Europäischen Parlament hat die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung nach Mainz geladen, um darüber zu diskutieren, welche Gefahr Populisten für den Kontinent darstellen, was sie eint, was sie trennt, aber auch warum sie nicht dämonisiert werden sollten.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

"Horizonte - Ohne Freiheit, keine Demokratie"

Veranstaltung mit Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert und Mars Di Bartolomeo

„Wir haben keine Ausreden mehr – es sind nicht Dritte, die über unsere Zukunft entscheiden – wir sind es selbst.“ (Prof. Dr. Lammert)