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Legal Matters of Journalism

Part of the "KAS Quality Journalism Seminars" Series

A registration process is foreseen due to limited seating.

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Office Greece in cooperation with Elina Makri, independent journalist, is organizing its first Seminar on Quality Journalism in 2018, dedicated to the legal issues that arise in the journalistic profession. Journalists, law practitioners, students of journalism and law, as well as professionals from other fields will have the opportunity to attend this workshop with three prominent speakers - professionals in the field.

Dr. Oskar Josef Gstrein, Post-Doc research fellow at the Security, Technology & e-Privacy (STeP) Research Group at the University of Groningen will initiate the discussion by presenting the European legal frame in matters such as the protection of privacy, the modern trends in the international law-making procedures on surveillance, to right to information, the freedom of speech etc. Next to that he will refer to the most important case-law examples from the European Courts on the issues discussed.

The relevant Greek legal provisions will be analyzed by the Dimitrios Anastasopoulos, eminent attorney-at-law, member of the Board of Directors of the Athens Bar Association and co-founder and president of the Union of Greek Lawyers “eThemis”. Mr. Anastasopoulos will touch upon questions as the prohibition of conducting journalistic research in public spaces (see hospitals), the protection of confidentiality, the disclosure (or not) of photographic (or other journalistic) material, defamation, as well the publisher's responsibility and copyright, on the basis of examples and cases that have been brought before the Greek courts.

The experienced journalist, Tasos Telloglou (SKAI TV - Kathimerini), will contribute to the discussion with his journalistic approach. By referring to real examples, he will point out the difficulties that an investigative professional meets, when he touches sensible personal data. His presentation will aim at underlining the "gray zones" that evolve when the journalistic duty meets the relevant legal provisions.

We would advise you to register at till Monday, March 19. The event space TZAFERI 16 is located in the Gazi area, behind the Benaki Museum (Pireos Str.) and is 7' walking distance from "Kerameikos" Station of the Metro line 3 (Blue Line).

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16 Tzaferi Str.,
11854 Γκάζι, Αθήνα
Zur Webseite

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TZAFERI 16, Athens



Legal Matters of Journalism: Σεμινάριο της Αντιπροσωπείας του Ιδρύματος Konrad-Adenauer για τις νομικές πτυχές του δημοσιογραφικού επαγγέλματος.
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Eleftherios Petropoulos

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Senior Research Associate – Project Manager +30 210 7247 126