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UK Defence and Security Relationships Across Europe

A new interactive map provides a user-friendly overview, highlighting priorities and gaps

Asset Publisher

The UK’s defence and security relationships in Europe are evolving rapidly, particularly in the wake of Brexit and the war in Ukraine. A new interactive map provides a user-friendly overview of these relationships, highlighting priorities and gaps.

The map, which was developed in cooperation with the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), shows the UK’s defence and security relationships with 31 European countries. It shows multinational structures, how these relationships are evolving and identifies potential areas for future cooperation. The map is a valuable tool for experts, journalists and everyone who is interested.

It can help to understand the context of these concerns and to identify the key players involved. 

Asset Publisher


Uta Heil

Uta Heil bild

Project Manager +44 20 783441-19


Asset Publisher