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Expert conference

Event recap: EU Enlargement - The New Geopolitical Background

An event by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung UK & Ireland and European Movement Ireland

20th Anniversary of Largest-Ever EU Enlargement Marks a New Geopolitical Era for Countries Seeking EU Membership Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) UK & Ireland and European Movement Ireland hosted, ‘EU Enlargement: The New Geopolitical Background’. In the year of the 20th Anniversary of the largest-ever EU enlargement, H.E. Larysa Gerasko, Ambassador of Ukraine to Ireland, Professor David Phinnemore, Queen's University Belfast, and Peter Power, Senior Expert in DG NEAR, European Commission gather to discuss the new geopolitical background shaping the European Union’s accession process.

Expert conference

Engaging Cross Borders: Perspectives from Ireland and Europe

International Conference in Irish-German Studies

The Centre for Irish-German Studies at the University of Limerick, in partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung UK & Ireland, the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies and the Faculty of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences at Ulster University will host the conference.


Innovation & Competitiveness: 30 Years of the Single Market

In-Person Event

This event will reflect on the past 30 years of the Single Market and impact it has made on Member States with a focus on Ireland and the innovative and competitive nature of it. The event will open with a keynote address from Commissioner Mairead McGuinness.


The Good Friday Agreement and the EU After 25 Years

Online Event

This event will reflect on the past 25 years of the Good Friday Agreement and the key role the European Union played.

Expert conference

One Year on from the Russian Invasion of Ukraine – Priorities for European Security and Defence

Half-Day Symposium

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung UK & Ireland in partnership with the Institute of International and European Affairs host a half-day symposium.


Europe’s Economy in Troubled Times

Online Event Series

This event will examine the general economic outlook for the EU and the Eurozone including a focus on Ireland and Germany. The participants will discuss the impacts of inflationary challenges and energy security, outline EU and Member State responses and assess the future of the EU economy, including future fiscal rules and economic governance issues. This is the final event in the Supporting Democracy series with European Movement Ireland in 2022.


Energy Dependency and Foreign Policy - Dilemmas for the UK, Germany and the EU

Join our online event in cooperation with The Federal Trust and Global Policy Institute.

Expert conference

New Ways of Engagement and the International Context: Northern Ireland and Ireland

International Conference

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung UK & Ireland in partnership with the Faculty of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences at Ulster University and the Centre for Irish-German Studies, University of Limerick hosted this conference.


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung at the Conservative Party Conference 2022 - Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Fringe Event - Responding to Russia's War in Ukraine: Safeguarding European Justice and Security

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung together with Bright Blue, will host a fringe event at this year's Conservative Party Conference . A panel of distinguished speakers will discuss the future of European justice and security in light of the war in Ukraine.


Supporting Democracy and Security: The War in Ukraine

Online Event Series

This is the second event with European Movement Ireland in 2022, all of which focus on the theme of Supporting Democracy. This event will discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the implications for European security and other policy areas. We will also examine the EU’s response to the war, Ukraine’s future in Europe and arising geopolitical developments.

Asset Publisher

„Europe on the move – Workers, refugees and security“

KAS & Federal Trust

Prof. Christian Dustmann vom University College London, Prof. Jo Shaw von der University of Edinburgh und Dr. Niko Bosnjak, Mitarbeiter des Bundestagsabgeordneten Dr. Tim Ostermann, diskutierten am 28. Februar 2017 das sowohl in Deutschland als auch in Großbritannien hochaktuelle Thema Migration und dessen Auswirkungen auf Arbeitnehmer und Flüchtlinge sowie einhergehende sicherheitsrelevante Aspekte. Organisiert wurde die Podiumsdiskussion von dem Londoner Auslandsbüro der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Federal Trust und dem Global Policy Institute.

Brexit: Großbritannien und die Europäische Union heute

Eine Bilanz des Wiesbadener Tischgesprächs 13. Februar 2017

„Unsicherheit ist das Stichwort, das ich überall am häufigsten höre.“ Hans-Hartwig Blomeier, der die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Grossbritannien vertritt, warnte 70 Teilnehmer des Wiesbadener Tischgesprächs vor überstürzten Vorhersagen: „Es gibt Prognosen für jeden Geschmack. Doch der Zusammenbruch der britischen Wirtschaft ist nicht erfolgt. Und zudem sind wahrscheinlich nur zehn Prozent der Arbeitsplätze am globalen Finanzstandort London von der Entscheidung für den Brexit betroffen.“

United for the Better: My European Way

Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering's autobiograpy in English launched in London

Dr Hans-Gert Pöttering, former President of the European Parliament and Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, last night launched the English language version of his autobiography "United for the Better: My European Way" in London.While in London, Dr Pöttering held a number of political discussions, where he gave his thoughts on the British-German relationship, the current state of British politics, as well as the challenges facing the European Union.

Brexit: Quo Vadis?

Oxford German Forum 2016

“BREXIT: Quo Vadis?” – This was the title of this year’s Oxford German Forum, which took place from 17 to 18 November at Trinity College, Oxford.

The Day After Brexit: Reinventing Britain's Relationship with the EU

KAS/WMCES London Debate 2016

On 17 October, a workshop and public debate entitled “The Day After Brexit: Reinventing Britain’s Relationship with the EU”, organised by KAS and WMCES took place in London. In the evening, members of the public were invited to the “London Debate 2016” at Church House.

Thema „Die Zukunft der fossilen Brennstoffe in Zeiten des Klimawandels“

EUCERS/ISD/KAS Energy Talks 2016

Am 22.9.2016 fand das vierte Fachgespräch 2016 zum Thema „Die Zukunft der fossilen Brennstoffe in Zeiten des Klimawandels“ aus der Reihe „Energy Talks“ statt, welche von der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, dem European Centre for Energy and Resource Security am King’s College und dem Institute for Strategic Dialogue durchgeführt wurde.

Die Zukunft Europas, Großbritannien nach dem Brexit-Referendum und Wahlen in Deutschland

Abgeordnete der Konservativen Partei aus Großbritannien zu Gast in Berlin

Im Rahmen eines Studien- und Dialogprogramms besuchten vom 20. bis 21.09.2016 drei britische Abgeordnete der Conservative Party Berlin, um Gespräche mit Abgeordneten des Deutschen Bundestags, der CDU und hochrangigen Gesprächspartnern in diversen Ministerien zu führen.

KAS / Sabine Widmayer

„Ein Brexit wäre ein schwerer Schlag für die EU“

6. F.A.Z.-KAS-Debatte zum britischen Referendum über den Verbleib in der EU

Am 23. Juni stimmen die Briten in einem Referendum über den Verbleib des Vereinigten Königreichs in der Europäischen Union ab. Laut jüngster Umfragewerte liegen die EU-Befürworter knapp vor den EU-Gegnern. Doch viele Briten werden sich erst in letzter Minute entscheiden. In einer Neuauflage der F.A.Z.-KAS-Debatte unter dem Titel „Brauchen wir London?“ haben die Teilnehmer zusammen mit dem Publikum über mögliche Abstimmungsergebnisse und über die daraus resultierenden zukünftigen Aufgaben der EU diskutiert.

The Gulf Region and the Future of Oil

EUCERS/KAS/ISD Energy Talks 2016

Yesterday, we held the third event in this year's energy security workshop series, organised in cooperation with EUCERS & ISD. The well-attended discussion brought together regional and topic experts to explore the future of oil in the Arab States of the Persian Gulf.

“German Perspectives on the British EU Referendum”

KAS UK, GPI & Federal Trust

On 7 April 2016, a panel discussion organised by the Federal Trust, Global Policy Institute and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung UK and Ireland office took place in London. The well-attended event centred around German perspective on the UK EU referendum.