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3rd India Forum on China titled “China and Asia’s Changing Geopolitics”

The Institute of China Studies (ICS) and the India Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with Goa University will host the 3rd edition of the India Forum on China. The event will take place from 5th to 8th December in Goa and will focus on “China and Asia’s Changing Geopolitics”.

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As it was the case in the past two editions several distinguished panelists, experts and strategists will discuss China’s role in the region and how this has led to a geopolitical change in Asia. China’s rise and its implications for Asia and the world are an ever-present issue in the international relations discourse. Thus, with this event an important forum has been established to provide experts with the opportunity to debate one of the most relevant issues of our time. Topics to be discussed during the conference are, among others, the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and its implications for Asia, recent developments in the Indo-Pacific, the economic landscape of Asia as well as the US-China relations.

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International Centre Goa


3rd India Forum on China discusses “China and Asia’s Changing Geopolitics”
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Peter Rimmele

Asset Publisher

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