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Event Reports


Neue Weichenstellungen für den deutsch-israelischen Dialog

Bei einem Dialogprogramm für deutsche und israelische Politiker hat die KAS Israel gemeinsam mit Vertretern ihrer Partner die zukünftige Gestaltung der deutsch-israelischen Beziehungen thematisiert.

Projektpartner der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung erhält Mount Zion Award

Am 25. Oktober 2009 erhielt der Palästinenser Dr. Nedal Rashed Jayousi, Direktor der palästinensischen NGO „Palestinian House for Professional Solutions” (HPS) gemeinsam mit dem Israeli Daniel Rossing, Direktor der israelischen NGO „Jerusalem Center for Jewish-Christian Relations” (JCJCR) den Mount Zion Award 2009.

Intelligence & Democracies in Conflict and Peace

KAS/BESA International Conference Bar-Ilan University, October 18–19, 2009

Intelligence has traditionally fulfilled wide ranging and crucial functions in security, diplomacy and statecraft. However, in recent years the role of intelligence in conflict resolution has expanded and now forms a core element of conflict management policies and strategies. The Israeli public requires deeper understanding and knowledge of the roles of intelligence in democracy and the mechanisms of parliamentary oversight, accountability and social responsibility, as well as the potential of intelligence in conflict resolution.

Equal Citizens in a Jewish Democratic State

The Annual Lecture on the Sixth Anniversary of the Publication of the “Or Commission Report”

Six years after the publication of the Or Commission Report, which studied the antecedents of the October 2000 Events, this year’s lecturer of the Annual Or Lecture - organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel and its Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation at the Tel Aviv University - was Professor of Law Ruth Gavison.

Presentation of the IWN Report on the Promotion of Gender Equality in the 17th Knesset

Seminar at the Knesset

Following the latest general elections and the opening of the 18th Knesset, the Israel Women’s Network, in cooperation with KAS, decided to organize a seminar with all the women members of Knesset and to discuss the current status of women in Israel in view of the IWN Report on the Promotion of Gender Equality in the 17th Knesset.

“The business community should lead – the Government should support”

In an effort to promote Israel-Palestinian economic cooperation the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung together with its partner IPCRI organized a 3 day conference from August 23–26, 2009 at the KAS Academy in Cadenabbia. The “Cadenabbia Economic Group” (CEG) has been convening on a yearly basis for several years behind closed doors bringing together officials and businessmen from both sides. By issuing recommendations and setting up relevant ties between the decision makers this group can look back on a series of achievements which facilitated improvements on the ground.

Erfolg durch Kooperation

Economic, Opportunities in Times of Crisis

Erfolg durch Kooperation – so könnte die Bilanz der Jewish-Arab Business Conference mit dem Titel „Economic, Opportunities in Times of Crisis” am 1. Juli 2009 in Herzliya lauten. Zum vierten Mal in Folge lud die KAS zusammen mit dem Center for Jewish-Arab Economic Development (CJAED) über 220 führende Vertreter und Vertreterinnen aus Politik und Wirtschaft ein, gemeinsam über Chancen jenseits der Wirtschaftskrise zu diskutieren.

Iran After June 12, 2009, Presidential Election

Implications for Israel and the Middle East

Together with its partner Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel brought together Iran experts for an international conference from August 10–13, 2009 in the Konrad-Adenauer-Academy in Cadenabbia, Italy. Topic of the conference was the current situation in Iran since the elections in June 2009, the implications for Israel and the Middle East and the various aspects of the potential impact on future negotiations.

Two States for Two Peoples, Bilateral Negotiations, Regional Peace and Imposed Solutions: Where to and How?

Zusammen mit dem Israel/ Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) lud die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Jerusalem (KAS) vom 17. bis zum 18. Juli Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Medien zu einem gemeinsamen Workshop nach Nazareth ein. Die Veranstaltung mit dem Titel „Two States for Two People, Bilateral Negotiations, Regional Peace and Imposed Solutions: Where to and How?” sollte einen intensiven Austausch ermöglichen und neue Konzepte zur Konfliktlösung erarbeiten.

Koexistenz in Akko: Ist ein interreligiöser Dialog möglich?

Seit sieben Jahren fördert die KAS in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Programm für Konfliktmanagement an der Universität Bar Ilan eine Workshopreihe mit Studenten, welche die verschiedenen ethnischen, nationalen, religiösen und politischen Gruppen in der israelischen Gesellschaft repräsentieren. Die Abschlussveranstaltung konzentrierte sich in diesem Jahr auf das Thema „gemischte Städte” in Israel, d.h. Städte, deren Bevölkerung aus Juden und Arabern bestehen. In diesen Städten spiegelt sich die Spannung zwischen den verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen im täglichen Leben wider.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.