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Asset Publisher

Joint Israeli-Palestinian Poll, September 2010

Who is in greater need of success?

Palestinians believe they are of greater need of success in the negotiations, Israelis think both sides need it equally, but both publics are skeptical about their success.

"Obama könnte innenpolitisch punkten, wenn er auf Israel zugeht"

ZEIT-Interview mit Dr. Lars Hänsel

Drei Monate Siedlungsbaustopp für die Freilassung des Spions Jonathan Pollard: Netanjahus Angebot an Obama ist innenpolitisch motiviert, sagt Lars Hänsel, der Leiter der Adenauer-Stiftung in Jerusalem, im ZEIT-Interview.

Can Renewable Energy Help Europe Change its Foreign Policy?

Germany as a Case Study

Etai Fiedelman uses in this publication the example of Germany to look at the impact of renewable energies on the energy security of the European Union and consequently on the European foreign policy.

Identity as a Strategy

European-American Relations

This publication by Einat Vadai was issued by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Helmut Kohl Institute for European Studies and deals with the special and important transatlantic European-American Relations, which are shaped on the one hand by materialist and strategic factors and on the other hand by ideological considerations.

The Kadi Case

The International Position of the European Union after the Ruling

The article „The Kadi Case - The International Position of the European Union after the Ruling“ by Shelly Danosh discusses the complex relations between the EU and the UN, the impact of counterterrorism on European law and especially the European reaction to the UN decision on the sanctions of terror.

The Post-1945 West German Historiographical Discourse on the German Sonderweg Thesis

The Social Generation as an Analytical Tool

The author Nurit Katz-Malka examines the West German historiographical discourse on the analysis of the role of Germany in the Second World War in order to uncover the general patterns in the post-1945 West German historiographical approach to the Sonderweg thesis.

Joint Israeli-Palestinian Poll, June 2010

Despite the Gaza flotilla incident, rise in willingness to compromise among Palestinians and Israelis, but two thirds on both sides remain pessimistic about the future of the peace process.

Die israelische Reaktion auf die Gaza-Flottille

Hintergründe und Auswirkungen

Die israelische Blockade des Gazasteifens besteht seit dem blutigen coup d’etat gegen die Fatah, mit dem die radikalislamische Hamas die Regierung im Gazastreifen an sich gerissen hatte. Israel will mit der Blockade sowohl eine Legitimierung als auch Wiederbewaffnung der Hamas verhindern. Beide Ziele konnte die Blockade, die international zunehmend kritisiert wird, bisher nicht erreichen.

Contemplations on State Commissions of Inquiry and the Status of the Arab Minority in Israel

The publication is a lecture held by Professor Ruth Gavison on the occasion of the annual Or Lecture, organized by the Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel. Professor Gavison analyses the work, conclusions and recommendations of the Or-Comission who investigated the events of October 2000 at the beginning of the Second Intifada. In this context she discusses the concept of Israel as a jewish-democratic state and the underlying consequences for the Arab population.

Joint Israeli-Palestinian Poll, March 2010

Majority of Palestinians and Israelis prefer two-state solution over binational state or confederation.