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European Right Wing Populism

Europe Day at the Ben-Gurion University

In light of the alarming rise of right wing populist parties across Europe and their ongoing attempts to make ties with the Israeli right, KAS will co-host this special panel and discuss this phenomenon and its implications in Israel and in Europe.

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In the last few years, there have been several occasions in which Israeli right wing politicians have met representatives of various ultra-nationalist right wing parties from all of over Europe. Although this phenomenon still has not reached the higher Israeli political levels, nor has any significant relations were formed, more and more voices today in the Israeli Right are calling to stop the Israeli historical boycott on parties such as the "Freedom Party of Austria" and the "National Front" in France. In light of the upcoming election results throughout Europe, it was recently published that the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to reexamine its position in regards to relations with the European populist right.

Therefore, we will host this special panel on this worrisome developments as part of the Ben-Gurion University "Europe Day" program. The panel will include European ambassadors who will give the diplomatic perspective, alongside academic researchers who will address the roots of these movements and recent developments.

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Rotem Hall, Student Building, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva


Stanislav Linchevsky


Policy Advisor +32 2 66931-56 +32 2 66931-62
Marine Le Pen (2012)

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The Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev