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Countries and Campaigns : Populism and Elections

This conference is the second of a series of workshops and conferences organized by IDI and KAS to explore the complex and contradictory relationship between populism and contemporary liberal democracies.

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The first session, titled "Characteristics of populist media and communications during election campaigns", will be held with the participation of figures from the media, from the field of media regulation, from civil society, and from academia. There will be a presentation and analysis of the main phenomena witnessed in Israel and around the world, and suggestions will be put forward for how to deal with them.

The second session will focus on populism during the 2019 elections in Israel as a test case. This session will be based on a study that will examine expressions of populism made by politicians and parties, in various settings, during the 2019 election campaign. The main goal of the study will be to identify and characterize expressions of populism in Israeli politics, but the study will also explore possible courses of action for addressing this phenomenon, based in part on ideas that will be presented in the first session.

The last session will deal with voting behavior. We will discuss questions such as: Who votes for populists? Who are the voters in Israel and in Europe?



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Israel Democracy Institute, Pinsker Street 4 Jerusalem



Liza Katz

Liza Katz bild

Project Manager +972 (0) 2 567 7050 +972 (0) 2 567 1831

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