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Event Reports

Israeli Views on the Middle East Conflict

Results of a Dahaf Institute Survey

During a conference co-organised by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and KAS Israel on December 20, 2012, Dr. Mina Tzemach (Director, Dahaf Public Opinion Research Institute) presented the results of a recent Dahaf poll on latest trends in Israeli public opinion with regard to the Middle East conflict.

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Among the findings, some were particularly striking, and of greatest relevance to the political decision-making process within Israel:

  • 76% of Israelis (83% of Jews) believe that a withdrawal to the 1967 lines and a division of Jerusalem would not bring about an end of the conflict.

  • 61% of the Jewish population believes that defensible borders are more important than peace for assuring Israel’s security (up from 49% in 2005).

  • 78% of Jews indicated they would change their vote if the party they intended to support indicated that it was prepared to relinquish sovereignty in east Jerusalem. 59% of Jews said the same about the Jordan Valley.

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