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Event Reports

Israeli–European Young Diplomats Forum launched at Residence of European Union Ambassador

A new initiative designed to enhance relations between Europe and Israel was launched at the residence of the European Union Ambassador to Israel, Andrew Standley. An initiative of the Israel Council on Foreign Relations supported by the EU Delegation to the State of Israel, the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Polish Embassy and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the "Israeli-European Young Diplomat's Forum" is designed to allow young Israeli diplomats and European diplomats stationed in Israel to better understand each other's culture, values, experiences and perspectives.

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The "Israeli -European Young Diplomat's Forum" aims to provide a much needed opportunity for informal contacts between Israeli and European Union young diplomats—without a political agenda. The objective is to promote close and vibrant relationships that will endure beyond the period of service of the European diplomats in Israel. Around 60 young diplomats attended the successful kick-off event. Avi Primor, former Israeli ambassador to Germany, delivered a well received key-note speech.

One of the forum's main activities will be monthly policy talks with high-ranking Israeli and European officials, academics and civil society representatives. At these talks, Israeli diplomats will be provided with deeper insights into the history, structure and internal workings of the EU as well as EU perspectives on Israel and EU–Israel relations. At the same time, European diplomats will be provided with a better understanding of regional political realities while their interaction with Israeli diplomats will give them first-hand insights into Israeli society.

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