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Expert conference

Comprehensive Security in the Asia-Pacific Region

The Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA), Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and Keio University will convene an international conference on the theme of Comprehensive Security in the Asia-Pacific Region in Tokyo, December 2009.

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Draft Program

29. November 2009

Conference Day One

9.00 – 9.30 Registration

Venue: Conference Hall, First Floor, North Building, Keio University

9.30 – 10.00 Addresses by Organizers of the Conference

Venue: Conference Hall, First Floor, North Building, Keio University

  • Dr. Colin Duerkop (Regional Representative, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Seoul)

  • Professor Toshiro Tanaka (Director, Jean Monnet Centre for EU Studies, Keio University, Tokyo)

  • Professor Yoshihide Soeya (Director, Keio Institute for East Asian Studies, Keio University, Tokyo)

  • Dr. Hari Singh(Executive Secretary, Asian Political and International Studies Association)

10.00 – 10.15 Coffee Break

10.15 – 12.00 Keynote Addresses

Venue: Conference Hall, First Floor, North Building, Keio University


  • Dr. Kuniko Inoguchi (Science Council of Japan)

Comprehensive Security in Asia

  • H.E. Dr. Volker Stanzel (Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Tokyo)

Comprehensive Security, the Post Cold War and the Transformation of the State

  • Dr. Kanishka Jayasuriya (Murdoch University. Perth.)
NATO’s Role in the 21st Century and its Potential Contribution for Peace and Stability in the Asia-Pacific Region

  • Lt. Gen. (ret) Dr. Klaus Olshausen (Clausewitz Association, Germany)

12.00 – 1.00 Lunch Break

Venue: Conference Room, Third Floor, North Building, Keio University

1.00 – 3.30 State and Society

Venue: Conference Hall, First Floor, North Building, Keio University


  • Colonel Ralph Thiele (Chairman, Political-Military Association, Berlin)

Civil-Military Relations and Comprehensive Security in Southeast Asia

  • Professor N. Ganesan (Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima)

Human Security: A Responsibility to Protect and a Responsibility to Provide?

  • Associate Professor Brendan Howe (Ewha Womans University, Seoul)

Civil Society in a Reconceptualized Asia-Pacific Security Environment

  • Dr. Meredith Weiss (University of Albany, SUNY.)


  • Dr. Pavin Chachavalpongpun (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore)

3.30 – 4.00 Tea Break

4.00 – 6.30 Grey-Area Phenomenon

Venue: Conference Hall, First Floor, North Building, Keio University


  • Professor Yoshihide Soeya (Keio University, Tokyo)

Religious-based Terrorist Threats in Southeast Asia

  • Associate Professor Bilveer Singh (National University of Singapore)

Maritime Terrorism – A Threat to World Trade

  • Dr. Peter Roell (Institute for Strategic-Political-Security and Economic Consultancy, Berlin)

China, Japan and East Asia Maritime Order: Addressing Piracy

  • Dr. Gaye Christoffersen (Soka University of America)


  • Professor Francisco Magno (De La Salle University, Manila)

6.30 Welcome Dinner (By Invitation)

Venue: Faculty Club, North Building, Keio University

Conference Day Two

1 December 2009

10.00 -12.30 Biosphere and Resources

Venue: Conference Room, Third Floor, North Building, Keio University


  • Mr. Kinley Tshering (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bhutan)

Security, Climate Change, and Disaster Risks in Asia

  • Professor Francisco Magno (De La Salle University, Manila)

The Tipaimukh Dam Controversy

  • Associate Professor Ishtiaq Hossain (International Islamic University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur)

The Challenges of the 21st Century: China in Search of Energy Security in a Multipolar World

  • Dr. Hooman Peimani (National University of Singapore)


  • Mr. Ronaldo Fernando (Institute for Strategic and Development Studies, Manila.)

10.00 -12.30 Global and Regional Power Structures

Venue: Conference Room, Eighth Floor, East Building, Keio University


  • Professor Toshiro Tanaka (Kieo University, Tokyo.)

The Southeast Asian States amidst the Sino-Japan Geo-Strategic Rivalry

  • Professor Renato Cruz de Castro (De La Salle University, Manila)

Alliances and Environmental Security: Changing Roles of the U.S.-Japan Alliance

  • Dr. Tashika Odagiri (Sophia University, Tokyo)

Japanese Alliance Diversification: A Comparative Analysis of the Indian and Australian Strategic Partnerships

  • Dr. Thomas Wilkins (University of Sydney)


  • Associate Professor Bilveer Singh (National University of Singapore)
12.30 – 1.30 Lunch Break

Venue: Seminar Room, Fourth Floor, East Building, Keio University

1.30 – 4.00 Global and Regional Economic Structures

Venue: Conference Room, Third Floor, North Building, Keio University


  • Ms Thippaporn Tantisunthorn (Institute of Public Policy Studies, Bangkok)

Comprehensive Economic Security and Globalization

  • Professor Javed Maswood (American University, Cairo)

Economic Crisis as a Security Threat

  • Professor M Ramesh (University of Hong Kong)

UN and OECD on Human Security and Poverty Reduction in the World

  • Professor Kim Eun Mee (Ewha Womans University, Seoul)


  • Dr. Thomas Wilkins (University of Sydney)
1.30 –4.00 Role of Global and Regional Institutions

Venue: Conference Room, Eighth Floor, East Building, Keio University


  • Dr. Robert Dujarric (Temple University, Japan Campus)

Pacific Asia and International Organisations: A Case Study of the United Nations

  • Associate Professor Ramses Amer (Stockholm University, Sweden)

The EU Role in Asian Security: Scope, Limits and Impact

  • Dr. Axel Berkofsky (Adjunct Professor, University of Pavia, Italy)

Europe’s Security Policy: A Long-term, Comprehensive Perspective

  • Col. Ralph Thiele (Political-Military Association, Berlin)
How much of a "Multilateral Utility?" The Contribution of Southeast Asian Security Regionalism to Golbal Governance

  • Professor Juergen Rueland (University of Freiburg, Germany)


  • Dr. Michael Reiterer (Adjunct Professor, University of Innsbruck, Austria)
4.00 – 4.30 Tea Break

4.30 – 5.00 Concluding Assessment

Venue: Conference Room, Eighth Floor, East Building, Keio University


  • Dr. Colin Duerkop (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Seoul)

Comprehensive Security in the Asia-Pacific: Conference Synthesis and Future Plans

  • Dr. Hari Singh (Asian Political and International Studies Association)
5.00 – 5.30 Closing Ceremony

Venue: Conference Room, Eighth Floor, East Building, Keio University

  • Dr. Colin Duerkop(Regional Representative, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Seoul)

  • Professor Toshiro Tanaka (Director, Jean Monnet Centre for EU Studies,Keio University, Tokyo)

  • Professor Yoshihide Soeya (Director, Keio Institute for East Asian Studies, Keio University, Tokyo)

  • Dr. Hari Singh (Executive Secretary, Asian Political and International Studies Association)

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  • Keio University
    • APISA

      Dr. Colin Dürkop