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Expert conference

Institutionalizing Anti-Corruption and Good Governance

International Experience and Evidence

This conference will feature experts and researchers of anti-corruption reforms, drawing mainly on Asian policy experience. The goal is to identify areas for targeted intervention, as well as general tools and strategies to combat corruption.

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Corruption remains a key challenge in much of developing Asia. Out of 28 countries in the Asia-Pacific region covering over 60 per cent of the world’s population, 18 scored less than 40 out of 100 on the 2014 Corruption Perceptions Index (where 0 signifies highly corrupt and 100 means very clean). Among these countries, India and China scored 38 and 36 respectively; Malaysia scored 52, the Philippines and Thailand scored 38, Indonesia scored 34 and Myanmar scored 21. Transparency International further estimates that one in four individuals worldwide have paid a bribe. In China 40 per cent of survey respondents identified corruption as the reason for poor public services. In India the poor are estimated to pay nearly 200 million dollars a year to access government services which were meant to be free.

Recent studies and policy declarations have begun to recognize the importance of mitigating - if not eradicating - corruption and improving economic governance in order to advance economic development. There is a strong positive correlation between the quality of governance and the per capita income of a country. Kaufmann and Kraay found that a one-standard-deviation improvement in governance measures of a country raises per capita income fourfold in the long run.

Decreased corruption was also found to have a positive effect on a country’s investment rate. Increased inefficiencies and bureaucratic red tape have a downward effect on foreign direct investments. A one-standard deviation improvement in corruption ratings is linked to increased investment. In this way, curbing corruption and enhancing governance promises to help spur a country’s long-term growth.

This forum will feature experts and researchers of anti-corruption reforms, drawing mainly on Asian policy experience. The goal is to identify priority areas for targeted intervention, as well as the general tools and strategies to combat corruption. It will also highlight key areas for institutionalization, in order to help make the gains from anti-corruption reforms more permanent and resilient to slippage (notably due to regime change). The conference is co-organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Social and Economic Governance Programme Asia and the Asian Institute of Management Policy Center in cooperation with the Hills Programme on Governance.

Draft Programme

Wednesday, 10th June 2015

  • Venue: Intercontinental Hotel, Bahia Room
  • 08:00Registration of participants
  • 09:00Welcome Remarks
    • Mr. Paul Linnarz, Regional Representative for Economic Policy, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
  • 09:15Introduction: Promoting an Environment of Good Governance and Combating the Culture of Corruption
    • Dr. Ronald U. Mendoza, Executive Director, AIM Rizalino Navarro Center for Economic Competitiveness
  • 09:30Gains and Challenges of the Anti-Corruption Effort of the Philippines
    • Hon. Conchita Carpio-Morales, Ombudsman, Republic of the Philippines
  • 10:00Reform Agenda for the Bureau of Customs
    • Hon. Alberto Lina, Commissioner, Bureau of Customs
Panel Discussion

  • 10:30Lecture 1: Anti-corruption and Reforms
    • Albert E. Alejo, SJ, Citizens-Customs Action Network (CITIZSCAN)
  • 10:45Lecture 2: Common Myths about Corruption
    • Dr. Norman Abjorensen, Visiting Fellow, Policy & Governance Program, Crawford School of Public Policy, College of Asia & the Pacific, The Australian National University, Canberra
  • 11:00Open Forum
Moderator: Dr. Ronald U. Mendoza, Executive Director, AIM Rizalino Navarro Center for Economic Competitiveness

  • 11:30-11:45Coffee Break
Book Launch: Combating Corruption

  • 11:45Laudatory speech
    • Mr. Paul Linnarz, Regional Representative for Economic Policy, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
  • 11:55Introduction: Combating Corruption
    • Dr. Norman Abjorensen, Visiting Fellow, Policy & Governance Program, Crawford School of Public Policy, College of Asia & the Pacific, The Australian National University, Canberra
  • 12:10-14:00Lunch

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Manila, The Philippines


Viktoria Orban

Institutionalizing Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Akim Enomoto