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Dialogue Program on Econimic Governance for the Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group Dr. Michael Fuchs

Regional economic policy program SOPAS begins with a visit to Asia by Dr. Michael Fuchs: Lectures and Experts' Meetings on challenges to economic and financial governance in Southeast Asia

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At the beginning of the new regional economic policy program "Soziale Ordnungspolitik in Asien" (SOPAS) of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the KAS Japan Office was able to invite the Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group, Dr. Michael Fuchs, for a trip to Bangkok and Singapore.

With representatives from economic and financial think tanks, governement consultants, economic science and the media from Thailand, Indonesia , Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam workshops on "Regional Challenges for Economic Governance" were held.

At well attended lecture events on "The Economic and Financial Crisis and the Limits of Governments: A New Decade of National and Global Economic Governance" participants from the private sector, representatives of trade associatons and economists discussed on the effects of the currency, financial and debt crisis on growth and economic development in the states of Asia. On these occasions Dr. Fuchs illustrated the course of the EURO-crisis, explained German positions on recovery measures and asked for further trust in the European currency.

Additonally to a media debate on the European financial crisis and its impact on global economic policy with journalists from a number of Asian countries being member of the partner network of the KAS Media Programme Asia, Dr. Fuchs also held political discussions in both countries.

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Joerg Wolff

The Euro Crisis and the Limits of Governments 01 KAS Singapur
The Euro Crisis and the Limits of Governments 02 KAS Singapur
Dr. Michael Fuchs in Bangkok KAS Thailand