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Kishida's Foreign and Security Policy Record and Japan's Direction Under a New Government

Hybrid Panel Discussion

Coinciding with the release the English translation of Japan in an Era of Geopolitics: A New Foreign and Security Policy Direction (Michito Tsuruoka, ed.), the KAS Japan Office is hosting a panel discussion, looking back on the foreign and security policy of outgoing Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. The event will focus on its achievements amid the evolving global security landscape.

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Japan's Expanding Strategic Partnerships

Seminar on the Evolution of Japan’s Foreign and Security Policy

To mark the publication of “Japan in an Era of Geopolitics: A New Foreign and Security Policy Direction” (Michito Tsuruoka, ed.), the KAS Japan Office hosted a high-level seminar focusing on the evolution of Japan’s foreign and security policy.

Expert conference

Enabling an Equiverse: 4W's—Equal Access to Work, Wealth, Wellbeing and Welfare

International Leadership Conference

The conference with TalentNomics India will take place on the 10th and 11th of November and endeavours to provide a platform for leaders across sectors and regions, engaged in empowering women to come and share their insights.

Expert conference

A Better (Re)Start: The Future of Work for Young People


The Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS) of KAS Japan and the Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation (TAEF) are organising the conference, “A Better (Re)Start: The Future of Work for Young People”, which will discuss in-depth the trends and patterns within the Asian youth education and labour environment.


Women in Japan

Breakthroughs in Female Business Leadership

With the movement for gender equality gaining momentum around the world, the gender situation in Japan is drawing attention both domestically and internationally. KAS Japan will hold a series of events titled, 'Women in Japan', to explore current developments in Japan's gender environment. Our third webinar, 'Women in Japan: Breakthroughs in Women Business Leadership' will focus on the business aspect out of the three pillars of politics, business, and society. We will focus on Germany, a country which has historically similar views on gender roles to Japan but is more advanced in gender equality. Through Germany’s evolving policies, we can learn pragmatic and realistic next steps for Japan. During the webinar, we intend to discuss possible policy recommendations, which – once formulated – help to foster change to improve the current situation in Japan for future women business leaders. 


Women in Japan

Updating Gender Roles in Society

With the movement for gender equality gaining momentum around the world, the gender situation in Japan is drawing attention both domestically and internationally. KAS Japan will hold a series of events titled, 'Women in Japan', to explore current developments in Japan's gender environment. Our second webinar, 'Women in Japan: Updating Gender Roles in Society' will focus on the societal aspect out of the three pillars of politics, business, and society. We will look at Scandinavian countries (mainly Norway) that had been successful in their gender policy on the societal front and learn how they have achieved their current gender situation by comparing it with the present state in Japan. Through the webinar, we aim to make policy recommendations to foster change in the gender situation in Japanese society.


KAS German-Japanese Economic Policy Exchange

Economic policy in view of a prolonged COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative view of Japanese and German/EU strategies

With the COVID-19 pandemic seemingly nowhere near its end, there is a need to shift our mentality from life “after” COVID-19 to one of living “with” COVID-19. Our first online event in the series of the KAS German-Japanese Economic Policy Exchange, “Economic policy in view of a prolonged COVID-19 pandemic: A comparative view of Japanese and German/EU strategies”, will precisely look at this “new normal” from the business angle.


Path to Digitalisation for WSMEs- Policy Breakthroughs from Vietnam, South Korea and Singapore


Expert conference

Universe to Equiverse- Start the Ripple

International Leadership Conference

The conference, 'Universe to Equiverse: Start the Ripple', organised with TalentNomics, endeavours to provide a platform for leaders across sectors and regions, engaged in empowering women to come and share their journeys and insights. We hope to build bridges between such leaders to increase the momentum of change. At the conference, we will also recognize some of those leaders who have created significant ripples in the area of gender equity.


Women in Japan

Current Roles and Expectations

With the movement for gender equality gaining momentum around the world, the gender situation in Japan is drawing attention both domestically and internationally. KAS Japan will hold a series of events titled, “Women in Japan,” to explore current developments in Japan's gender environment. In the first of our series, the “Women in Japan: Current Roles and Expectations” webinar will focus on providing an overview of the current gender environment in the three sections of politics, economy, and society.


Labour Mobility and Global Health Governance in Asia

Online Conference

KAS Japan is organising an online conference in partnership with Leiden Asia Centre (LAC) and the IAFOR Research Centre (IRC). The conference aims to answer the main question: How has transnational migrant labour and global health governance in Asia developed amidst pandemics?

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KAS und Japan eng verbunden

Der Fraktionsvorsitzende der CDU/CSU-Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag und Mitglied des Vorstandes der KAS, Volker Kauder, hat vom 13. bis 15. Juni 2011 Japan besucht. Er wurde vom außenpolitischen Sprecher der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion Philipp Mißfelder und dem stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden der deutsch-japanischen Parlamentariergruppe Thomas Silberhorn begleitet.

Informations- und Dialogprogramm "Deutsch-japanische Beziehungen nach der Bundestagswahl"

Vom 6. bis 12. Dezember 09 besuchten zwei wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter von Politikern und Abgeordneten des japanischen Parlaments im Rahmen eines Informations- und Dialogprogramm Berlin und Hamburg. Begleitet wurden sie von Dr. Konuma, dem Generalsekretär des Freundeskreises der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS Tomo-no-Kai) in Japan.

Vernetzte Sicherheit in Asien

Das Konferenzthema behandelte mit dem Konzept der Comprehensive Security ein strategisch wichtiges Thema.

Global Responsibility in Development Cooperation of Germany and Japan - News

A successful conference on State Building and Human Security in Asia with special emphasis on Afghanistan, Cambodia and Indonesia was held on 7. November at the JICA Research Institute in Tokyo. Dr. Ogata delivered the keynote speech.

Report on International Symposium "Human Mobility and Cultural Identity"

Lessons for Japan and Germany

This joint KAS-Japan Foundation seminar will provide insights into lessons and recommendations for Japanese and German societies in the area of human mobility touching issues of cultural identity.