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Kishida's Foreign and Security Policy Record and Japan's Direction Under a New Government

Hybrid Panel Discussion

Coinciding with the release the English translation of Japan in an Era of Geopolitics: A New Foreign and Security Policy Direction (Michito Tsuruoka, ed.), the KAS Japan Office is hosting a panel discussion, looking back on the foreign and security policy of outgoing Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. The event will focus on its achievements amid the evolving global security landscape.

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The Price of Social Security or Social Security at all Costs?

Current Trends in Pension Provision

EU-ASIA Economic Governance Forum 2014


Minister President of Saxony meets Asian economic experts in Tokyo

KAS Political Round Table


Japan and the EU - The Free Trade Agreement as a Pathfinder to Closer Cooperation

In late 2012 the EU’s trade ministers granted the EU Commission with the permit to start free trade negotiations. Since then, three negotiation rounds took place; the next round is scheduled for spring 2014.


The End of Double-Digit Growth

Implications for Economic Sustainability in Asia

2-day international conference in cooperation with Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. The conference language is English.


fully booked

Vor der dritten Regierung Merkel: Perspektiven für die deutsch-japanischen Beziehungen


Discussion on the perspectives for German-Japanese relations before the upcoming change of government in Berlin


Ergebnisse der Wahl zum 18. Deutschen Bundestag


Discussion on results of the elections for the German Bundestag of 22 September 2013

Expert talk

Security Dialogue on the Maritime Domain


Geschlossenes Expertengespräch und öffentliche Diskussionsveranstaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Tokyo Foundation


Challenges for Fiscal and Monetary Policies

Effects on Economies and Societies

Workshop in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institute for International Monetary Affairs (IIMA). Die Veranstaltung fand auf Englisch statt.


Market Economic Challenges in Asia

Vorbereitungsworkshop zur Fortsetzung des SOPAS Projekts zur Analyse der martkwirtschaftlichen Systeme und Herausforderungen in Asien


The European Union Today - from a German perspective

Gastvorlesung von Prof. Rupert Scholz

Gastvorlesung von Prof. Dr. Rupert Scholz an der Ritsumeikan Universität in Kyoto

Asset Publisher

Great Power Rivalries in the Global South

Navigating Financial and Economic Security Issues in a Multi-Polar World

During March 22-24, 2024, the Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC) organized an international symposium in Istanbul, Turkey, funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York and Konrad-AdenauerStiftung (KAS). The symposium brought together 29 leading experts and practitioners in international finance and foreign policy from Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America to exchange ideas, break silos and forge connections.

NPI-KAS Seminar on Economic Security

On February 20, the Japan Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Nakasone Peace Institute (NPI) jointly organized a seminar on “Economic Security: A German Perspective”. The seminar was held following the MoU signed last December between NPI and KAS to strengthen cooperation in the field of economic security and was attended by Japanese Diet members and government and ministry officials.

Launch of Trade Sentinel: An Early Monitoring Mechanism for Trade Policy and Related Changes in South Asia

The Trade Sentinel ( will fill important gaps in monitoring trade policy actions for South Asian countries. It seeks to provide real time alerts, trends, and analysis of trade investment policy changes. This tool and this topic are more and more important for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), through the Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS) to contribute to the discussion shaping important developments in international trade.

Fostering the Equiverse: Building Inclusive Urban Spaces for Women in South Asia

The roundtable, ‘Fostering the Equiverse: Building Inclusive Urban Spaces for Women in South Asia’, took place on 6 March 2024 at the India International Centre in New Delhi. It was co-organised by TalentNomics India and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s (KAS) Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS). The primary objective of this roundtable is to identify actionable issues hindering women’s equal access to education, work, and well-being in urban spaces.

ISAS-KAS Workshop: The IPEF and the Contours of Economic Security in the Indo-Pacific

On the 1st of March 2024, KAS Japan, in partnership with the Institute of South Asian Studies NUS (ISAS), hosted an engaging workshop building on the insights shared in the recent publication "The Making of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF)". The workshop brought together a diverse group of experts from the Indo-Pacific region and beyond for an insightful exploration of key topics on economic security in the area. This document summarises the comprehensive discussions and analyses presented during the event, providing a valuable resource for understanding recent developments and gaining nuanced insights into the topic.

Visit of a Delegation of CDU/CSU Members of the Bundestag

From February 7 to 9, the Japan Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation had the honor of welcoming a delegation of members of the German Bundestag, led by Dr. Johann Wadephul, Deputy Chairman of the Christian Democratic/ Social Union (CDU/CSU) parliamentary group, to Japan and provided them an opportunity to exchange views with Japanese members of parliament and experts.

MoU Signing Ceremony with Nakasone Peace Institute

On December 6, the Japan office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Nakasone Peace Institute (NPI) confirming their cooperation in the field of economic security.

Shaping an Equiverse: Pathways to Parity

The International Leadership Conference “Shaping an Equiverse: Pathways to Parity”, jointly organised by TalentNomics India and KAS SOPAS in New Delhi, India, was held in person on November 24th, 2023.

LDP-CDU Party Dialogue

From October 30 to November 1, Dr. Carsten Linnemann, Secretary General of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), and Mr. Philipp Birkenmeier, Federal Deputy Managing Director of the CDU and Head of the Policy and Program Department, visited Japan to exchange views with Japanese parliamentarians and government officials. 

Joint Forum “Japan and EU Connecting in the Nexus of Security and Development“

On October 24 and 25, the Japan office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) hosted a forum on “Japan and EU Connecting in the Nexus of Security and Development” with the EU-Japan Advanced Research Network (EJARN). Experts and government and ministry officials from Japan and Europe attended the forum.