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Study and Information Program

Asia Urbs III - Provincial Towns in Cambodia

Study Tour to Italian Project Partner City Spoleto

The Mayor of Spoleto Massimo Brunini and his colleagues are welcoming the Cambodian Delegation who will collect information on the administrative structure on commune level in Italy. Experts from Germany are accomponying the Cambodian Delegation.

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Spoleto, Umbria


  • Camb. Delegation:H.E. Leng Vy (MoI)H.E. Liv Bun Hay (Ministry of Finance)H.E. Sieng Suthang (Dep. Provincial Governor BTB)H.E. Ly Bunthoeun (Dep. Provincial Governor Siem Reap)Uy Ry (District Gov. BTB)Tep Bunchhay (District Gov. SR)

    Wolfgang Meyer

    Leiter des Auslandsbüros in China (Beijing)

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