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Parliamentarian Democracy

How is the democratic parliament organized and how does it work

The workshop is hold for all the members of the Cambodian People's Party and high-ranking ministers.

Asset Publisher


Wednesday, August 10, 2005




Welcoming Remarks by Mr. Wolfgang Meyer

Country Representative Cambodia

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAF)


Opening Address by H.R.H. Samdech Krom Preah Norodom Ranariddh,

President of the National Assembly

First Session:


The role model of a Member of Parliament “German Bundestag”

by Mrs. Christa Reichard MdB

  • Tasks of parliament in a democracy

  • Why and how to become a Member of Parliament

  • Status and tasks of Members of Parliament and their legal foundations

    • In the constituency

    • As a party member

    • Within the fraction

    • In parliament at large

    • Main lines of conflict in the political life of a Member of Parliament

    • Ethical standards for members of parliament


Questions and Answers

Second Session:


Typical working weeks of a Member of the Parliament “German Bundestag” by Mrs. Christa Reichard MdB

  • In a session week

  • In the constituency

The relationship of parliament to the executive

  • the case of the ruling parties’ fractions

  • the case of the opposition parties’ fractions

The relationship of parliament to political parties

  • the case of the ruling parties’ fractions

  • the case of the opposition parties’ fractions


Questions and Answers

Thursday, August 10, 2005

Third Session:


The political party fraction in parliament “German Bundestag”

by Mr. Klaus Jürgen Hedrich MdB

  • Reasons, advantages and disadvantages of the creation of fractions within parliament

  • Legal foundations and working order of the fraction

  • Rights and duties of the political party fraction within parliament

  • Minority rights in parliament and their rational

  • The relationship between the political parties and their parliamentary fractions

  • Organization of the fraction in the Bundestag

  • Outline of the working week of a fraction’s in a session week


Questions and Answers

Fourth Session:


Short outline of the organization of parliamentary work and its Rationale by Mr. Klaus Jürgen Hedrich MdB

  • Plenary, presidency, standing committee, committees and similar bodies, fractions, secretariat

Support for the work of Members of Parliament

  • Own staff

  • Staff of the fractions

  • Staff of the parliament’s secretariat

  • Parties

  • NGOs and associations

  • Scholars and universities

  • others


Questions and Answer


Closing Ceremony

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Headquarter of the Cambodian People's Party, Phnom Penh


  • Christa Reichard
    • MP

      Wolfgang Meyer

      Leiter des Auslandsbüros in China (Beijing)

      Asset Publisher

      Asset Publisher