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Citizen Advisors' Training on Victims' Participation in the Process of the ECCC

26 citizen advisors from Kratie province will be trained on victims' participation in the Khmer Rouge Tribunal Process. They will encourage victims' participation complainants, witness or civil party in the Khmer Rouge Tribunal at their villages

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KID Office, Phnom Penh


  • Dr. Helen Jarvis
    • Head of Public Affairs Section
      • ECCCMr. Rafael Dochao Moreno
        • Chargé d'Affaires
          • ECMr. Wolfgang Meyer
            • Country Rep
              • KAFMs. Dina Nay
                • Executive Director
                  • KIDMr. So Hoeurn
                    • Program Coordinator
                      • KID

                        Wolfgang Meyer

                        Leiter des Auslandsbüros in China (Beijing)

                        Asset Publisher

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