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Strengthening Democratic Local Governance in South East Asia

Erfahrungsaustausch und Anwendung guter Praktiken lokaler Regierungen in Südostasien

KAS in cooperation with the National League of Commune and Sangkats (NLCS) and DELGOSEA will organise aworkshop to discuss policy recommendations based on experiences of Best Practice replications and strategies for sustainable replication.

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Best Practice Transfer and Replications

DELGOSEA has selected 16 good governance Best Practices from partner countries and been facilitating the transnational transfer and replication activities of selected Best Practice by pilot cities:

Cambodia: Choam Chao, Kampot

Indonesia: Kupang, Pangkal Pinang, Tarakan

Philippines: Bacolod City, Misamis Oriental, Pangasinan Alliance of LGUs

Thailand: Chiang Rai City, Songkla City, Yala City

Vietnam: Da Nang, Tra Vinh, Vinh

The project's four selected areas of Best Practices are: People's participation in Planning and Decision-Making; Institutional Governance; Urban Environment; and Fiscal Management and Investment Promotion. Kampot Municipality has been replicating the BP on "Urban Environment" and Sangkat Choam Chao on " Fiscal Management and Investment Promotion by Street Vendor Organizing". These are the key priorities of the pilots cities to replicate among 16 BPs which Delgosea project has identified through participatory exercises.

Project Progress

First Step: all activities implemented in 2010

Identification for Best practices and Pilot Municipalities

Selection of Best Practices in 5 countries

Selection of Pilot Municipalities in 5 countries

Documentation of Best Practices

Development of Curricula and Textbooks for training of Trainers of Local Government Associations

Training of Coaches in Pataya, Thailand

Second Step: BP Transfer and Capacity Building for Pilot Places (2011)

Capacity building at Kampot Municipality and Sangkat Choam Chao

Exchange visits between pilot and host municipalities

Implementation of Best Practices models at Kampot Municipality and Sangkat Choam Chao

Monitoring, follow up, consulting by experts on Best Practices during Kampot Municipality and Sangkat Choam Chao's BP implementation

National Workshop Objectives

The National Workshop aims to:

Finalise policy recommendations

Concretise steps for lobby and advocacy activities (who is going to lobby, when with whom – develop a concrete roadmap for the year 2012)

Develop ideas for a country strategy ensuring the sustainability of best practice transfer in your country

Identify a contact person either per LGA or within the partner organisation who will be responsible for the identification of best practices within your country;

How to make available best practice documentation to the DELGOSEA secretariat after the project has ended?

How will best practices be shared with other cities?

How the knowledge exchange and lessons-learned could be spread amongst cities?

How continuous support for the pilot cities could be continued?


Finalised Paper on Policy Recommendations

Finalised Paper on Country Strategy

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