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Study and Information Program

Commune Administration in the Framework of Sub-National Governance

Study Tour for the Members of the Senate

The administrative reform of BTB Province (Asia Urbs II) and the reform on BTB district (Asia Urbs III) are presented to the members of the Senate. Future steps in the endeavour of administrative reforms on sub-national level shall be discussed.

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Battambang-Province, Battambang-City, BTB


  • H.E. Prach Chan
    • Governor Province BTBH.E. Sieng Sothang
      • Deputy Governor Prov.
        • DGPor Prang
          • Chief of Cabinet H.E. Ouk Vong
            • DGH.E. Seng Valath
              • DGUo Dary
                • Dep. Land Management Dipl.-Eng. Dahmen
                  • DED Uy Ry
                    • Governor District BTB

                      Wolfgang Meyer

                      Leiter des Auslandsbüros in China (Beijing)

                      Asset Publisher

                      Asset Publisher