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The Importance of Participatory Governance

The workshop aims at enhancing citizens’ knowledge on avenues of participation created by the new constitution that was introduced in 2010.

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Decentralization as envisaged in the constitution of 2010, entails sharing of political, administrative and fiscal responsibilities between county and national governments, and is commonly referred to as devolution. Its implementation is anchored on progressive new legislations and policies among them the Kenya Vision 2030 which envisions a globally competitive country with high quality of life for its citizens. Strategically vision 2030 seeks to transform the public service while also enhancing transparency and accountability. The Constitution further expects increased citizen participation at all levels of governance in the new political dispensation.

Since the onset of the county governments, in line with the constitution, there has hardly been sufficient citizens’ participation in decision making. This has been most apparent in the development and preparation of the county budgets. Citizens will thus need to be empowered to fully participate in decision making within the decentralized governments.

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Beatrice Rachuonyo

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