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Event Reports


Changing Narratives

Conference on Crisis- and War-reporting

Academics, journalists and the interested public engaged at the Crisis- and War-Reporting conference organized by KAS Media Africa and the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre.

African Journalism professors collaborate to improve economic reporting on the continent

Improving business reporting in Africa begins with the journalism schools and tailor-made curricula to challenge and inspire our future journalists.

Malawi journalists prepare for 2019 polls

With the elections in Malawi in May next year, KAS Media Africa gathered local journalists from across the country for an intensive election reporting workshop.

Première E-lection Bridge Academy francophone

In Ouagadougou tagen zwölf junge Politiker aus Westafrika

Douze jeunes politiciens d'Afrique de l'Ouest se réunissent à Ouagadougou

WITS Radio Academy

# Storytellers: Return to old values to look forward


The business models are forever changing, but the community, or listeners, will always remain a constant feature. No matter how the radio of tomorrow will look like, from podcasts to fact-checks – the core of the radio was and will always be the listeners and their stories, which are told by journalists. This is the reason why the radio of the future won`t disappear.

IPI World Congress in Abuja: Why Good Journalism Matters

In late June, Abuja, Nigeria’s political and media capital, was the host city of the annual International Press Institute World Congress bringing together over 200 editors, media executives and top journalists from the global network whose mission it is to defend media freedom and uphold the highest standards of journalism. This year’s conference theme was “Why Good Journalism Matters: Quality Media for Strong Societies”.

#AfricaBlogging meets in Harare

The 4th conference of African bloggers organized by KAS Media Africa and KAS Zimbabwe. Participants at the conference (from the 5th to 7th of June) deliberated on a range of topics including fake news, manipulation of algorithms and government-planted rogue bloggers.

Politics in Africa need marathon runners

8th Edition of E-lection Bridge in Kampala, Uganda

How to keep voters happy after an important election or present necessary compromises after coalition negotiations? That was the topic discussed by delegates to the 8th E-lection Bridge Africa from the 21st to 25th of May in Kampala, Uganda.

The branding of bloggers – #Africablogging breaks down boundaries on historic Ile de Gorée

What does it mean to be a successful blogger in this strange post-truth world of social media, fake news and diminished credibility? Away from the lifestyle and foodie blogs, what is the role of socially- and politically-focused African bloggers – to provide analysis of the issues of our day, to offer an alternative voice or to remain independent and credible at all costs?

Journalism in times of fake news and dwindling resources

KAS in Global Investigative Journalism Conference Johannesburg

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.