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Country Reports

Short political reports of the KAS offices abroad


Every fourth Bulgarian sees Fake News daily


Many Bulgarians know what ‘fake news’ is: 72 percent of the respondents have been confronted with false reporting in the media, 25 percent see ‘fake news’ about political topics even daily. This is the result of a representative survey commissioned by the KAS Media Program South East Europe among more than 1,000 citizens over 18 years. The respondents have also been asked about their confidence in international institutions and countries. The EU enjoys higher trust than Russia.

Bulgarian media cannot overcome crisis of confidence

KAS Survey: Citizens Remain Critical of the Media and Political Communication

Two thirds of Bulgarians (65 percent) do not think that the media are independent. Some are undecided. Only 12 percent believe reporting is free. This is the worst value for three years, according to a study commissioned by the KAS Media Program South East Europe. Citizens feel they are similarly inadequately informed by politicians. 67 percent take a generally negative view of their communications with the public. A representative sample of 1000 of the population aged 18 and over was questioned.

Only one in five Romanians believes the media are free

Opinion poll commissioned by the KAS Media Program

The majority of Romanians (52 percent) does not consider that the media are independent. One in four is undecided, and only 20 percent express a belief in independent journalism. This is the result of an opinion poll commissioned by the KAS Media Program. This also shows that daily newspapers have only limited remaining significance. The Internet is increasingly more important for political information.

Serbian Access to Information Law scores high

But journalists ask for better application

The Serbian Access to Information Law tops an international ranking and sets a high standard. The Media Program South East Europe of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung wanted to know, which experiences Serbian journalists have in practice when requesting information from public authorities.

Only one in seven Bulgarians thinks the media are free

Study commissioned by the KAS Media Program

60 percent of the inhabitants of Bulgaria deny that the media are independent. Many are undecided, only 14 percent explicitly believe that reporting is free. This is the result of a study commissioned by the KAS Media Program. It also shows that daily papers have almost entirely lost their significance for Bulgarians.

Mediale Strohfeuer

Politische Berichterstattung vor den bulgarischen Wahlen

Der politische Journalismus in Bulgarien war bis zum Rücktritt der Regierung Borissow erstaunlich übersichtlich – viele sehr positive und wenige sehr negative Nennungen der Spitzenpolitiker, aber wenig Zwischentöne. Auch bei den Demonstrationen im Februar und im Wahlkampf haben die Medien ihr Potential als Hilfe zur Meinungsbildung nicht ausgeschöpft.

Bulgarian Journalist Almost Beaten to Death

A brutal attack was committed on the journalist Ognian Stefanov in Sofia exactly on Sept. 22, Bulgaria’s Independence Day. Stefanov who is chief editor and co-owner of the news portal was beaten upon leaving the Kiparis-restaurant in Sofia’s district Ivan Vazov.

On the Situation of Media in Bulgaria

With a View on Their Civil Contribution

Somewhat less than two decades after the downfall of communism, things are not looking well for Bulgaria’s media landscape. In the Worldwide Press Freedom Index, the country was relegated from rank 35 to rank 51 between 2006 and 2007. This is a compelling reason for alarm, as the freedom of the press always reflects the quality of democracy, and as the media especially should act as a corrective to the authority of the state, uncovering irregularities and pillorying abuses of power

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Showing 11 - 18 of 18 results.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.