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BIRN Summer School of Investigative Reporting 2012

Renowned investigative journalists give away their tips and tricks to young colleagues from South East Europe

Journalist specialized on investigative reporting from South East Europe are gathering in summer, in order to get the latest updates on investigative techniques from experts in the field and to discuss with them about burning media topics.

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Among the trainers, there are excellent professionals from the region, from Europe and the USA. The participants were chosen from approx. 130 applications.

The 3rd BIRN Summer School of Investigative Reporting is this year going to take place from August 19th – 25th in Macedonia, at the Mavrovo lake. Besides the founder of the summer school – BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network) and the KAS Media Program South East Europe, among the organizers of the workshop are also OSCE Macedonia and Kosovo, the Open Society Foundation, the Columbia University etc.

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Mavrovo, Macedonia


Die Kunst des Hinterfragens: BIRN Summer School of Investigative reporting 2012
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Dr. Marco Arndt

Marco Arndt

Deputy Chairman of the Work Council +49 30 26996-0 +49 2241 246-52375

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